Hey bstrump, great looking bird! What is that "patchwork" of darker shades I detect, pre-shading random panels? Looks good. I especially like the masking job you did on the black around the cockpit/canopy. Nice and colorful, too. You're doing two cats? Henceforth you shall now be known as "Two Cats".
Well, I'm going to hopefully get a lot done tomorrow (Wed.) that's MY day. My wife is going away this weekend on a girl scout leader retreat (she's troup co-leader for one of our daughters), so I'll have all 4 kids by myself. Won't be getting much done at my bench. Oh well, it'll give you all more time, just to make it fair, ha hahhhhh.
For anyone who cares, here's a link to the ejection site, this is the seat gallery page.
This is a COOL site. I'm bummed that the F-14D has NACES seats, and not the Martin-Baker Mk GRU-7A, which ranks way higher on the "cool" scale. For me, the only cool seats have the face curtain pull rings above the headrest.
armorman, did you see my post above, with the photo of the canyon in front of the instrument panel cover? I'm still trying to figure out how to continue that atttack. I must've gone through a whole sheet of 400 grit paper, sanding on the intakes. Those things are an absolute
I'm anxious to start two other Hasegawa models, an F-4E (w/ BB cockpit) and an A-7D (will get Aries or BB)(probably).