QUOTE: Originally posted by Tankmaster7
[brThat's because I didn't want to have to eat the soup after what I did to it!!
[:0][:0][:0] That was you?????? I thought Sean... er.... wow.... ::shaking head:: good thing I looked in the pot first...
HEre's a poor shot of my build so far... note the interesting way the slate grey camo strip ends at the wing root on this scheme.. the decal painting sheet had this on here - just like this, so I left it.. and if you look at it from directly above it does form a "y" on the starboard wing... so I guess it works out... just not used to them not wrapping around like this... there was so little research material on the Martlet I decided to stick with this, as it looks like the reference on the FAA website...
she'll look better when she is dullcoated, and the smoke is going to get feathered later with a charcoal dabber (don't know what you call it) the paper pencil thing the artists use to smudge charcoal... ok I got up and looked.. "Blending stumps..." sounds like what old lady Kravitt does before she makes possom leg stew!
now all is left is for the undercarraige to dry so I can glue it in, have to cement the prop in (it is kinda just handing there for effect right now) future, dullcoat and then glue the canopy on... WOOHOO!!! of course there are probably half a dozen touch ups I wanna do before futuring but nothing major, a dab of paint here or there...
and of course I will get out all the lamps and the white paper to photo the finished product... just giving sneak peaks for now...