G'day Folk's,
I've progressed to the camo stage of the A20g, I've yet to apply the Mid Blue on the nose and Tail or the Green blotch's, or paint the raft that I intend to install behind the pilot seat, also notice that I've added the pitot tube to the tail of this bird [this is missing from the kit].
The conopy on this bird will be in the open position, hence why it is not in the pix. The paints used on this bird are from the Humbrol range with exception of the Neutral Grey [which is from their OOP Authentic Aircraft Paint range], the OD is # 155, the Green 42 bloches, when applied is also from the Authentic Aircraft Paint range, in interior cockpit colour is from the Xtra Colour range of U.S. WW II aircraft. The engine Cylinders have been painted with Hundol #201, the Crankcase is painted with Humbrol # 5
The harness buckles have been painted with an silver gel ink pen, I've also replicated the paint scratchs on the seat.