hope yer friend is ok comrade. where in upstate did ya go?
the "big project" is one Ive talked for a while. its my flakpanzer dio. even though ive got the alan kit of the flakpanzer 38(t) with a single barrel 20mm flak 38, im gonna convert my tamiya marder III M to one. its gonna be in a dio in Normandy of a vehicle that served with the 12SS (hence the GB). detail sets and work to be done include:
Tamiya Marder III M
italeri flak 38
eduard detail set for flak 38
turned aluminum barrel for flak 38 (cant remember from whom)
eduard grille 38(t) M fenders and details, friul tracks
warriors wheels
scratchbuild fighting compartment basing a lot off of details ive found online, in books, and on stuff in the alan kit
(not sure if ill try scratching the drivers compartment, as it won't really be visible once the whole thing is built)
tamiya kubelwagen type 82
tiger werke radio conversion set to make type 821 for tamiya kubel
verlinden detail set for kubel
(maybe) tamiya engine for kubel
dragon/tamiya/esci/verlinden/warriors/scracthbuilt fig will be included
(maybe a tamiya bicyle with ader detail)
ill try my hand at scratchbuilding trees
stowage and road litter will come from sctrachbuilding, verlinden, custom dioramics, hudson & allen, miscellaneous
so yeah thats it. exact figure and vechile placemnet hasnt been determined ill figure things out once the vehicles are built and i can see them on the base i got. basically, i hope the scene will show the flakpanzer in action as unseen allied aircraft roar overhead attacking the convoy its in. a guy on a bike will be dead in the road (depending, hes the one i have to scratchbuild if i have him). the esci/verlinden crew will be shooting at the ac, while dragon grenadiers and verlinden wounded tankers run for cover in the ditch where the kubel has been knocked out/gotten stuck, next to a hedgerow. thats the idea. like i said, exact details will be worked out as i go. i would have started this thing earlier, but i didnt have the time, and i was still working on getting all the details i wanted (ive been stocking up for like a year).
......BTW- did i mention i am nuts?