¡¡Thanks guys for the warm welcome!! and thanks woove, for letting me in
Well yeah woove, it really sucks, not having hobby shops here, but i'm lukcy though, being able now, to count on that friend, so i can get some models I'm even more lucky, having a friend like Ross Allen from Ottawa-Canada that maybe some of you know, that's sending me some models as a gift, He's responsible, that i have my ARII Hellcat and now, a Vampire and a P-40E, are on it's way to Cuba This good friend, have also sent me some FSM mags a great book and some modeling tools, for what i'm very thankful to him
Listen jsharrison, it sure woudl be cool if you come here and open a hobby shop, for that reason, you could even count on me as a crew member, to help you out, in your bombing raids against Toms roof
I was trying to contat a model company that could be interested in doing bussines here and the models could be sold as toys in department stores and i know lots of people would buy them, but till now, i haven't contacted anyone that could be interested
This morning i've spoken with the friend of mine that travels alot and he told me i can even make a list of several model building companies, that build the model i want, so he could have choises at the moment of buying it for me
So now that i definetly decided that i'll scramble with the Dauntless ¿can you give me some advices about model companies that have this plane in 1/48 and with atractive (rather cheap) prices?
Best Regards & Happy Modeling