Looks good.
Did you paint it? I can tell on some pieces but not all.
Anyway. A slight update on my 1/60 Strike Freedom 'Lightning Edition'.
After some major trouble with the wings, where some pins broke off when
I put together the wings and tried to position them, I have
finally fixed it. I drowned (more or less) the piece in glue and put it
where it was supposed to, I grinded up the inside of the polycap a bit
to make the 'turn resistance' of the wings smaller, and finally today,
I put it all together again (after taking it all apart).
The end result is very good I think, eventhough there are some
scratches and stuff at the wings after all the handling, but overall,
it looks
very nice I think. Tomorrow I'll paint the parts for
the legs and some remaining parts of an arm (after running out of
paint, which I now have restocked on).
I should have some pictures up on what I have done so far.
And just as a sidenote. Since I've painted the white colors with a matt
white color, I won't be making any panel lines since it tends to get
smudged out on matt paints.
UPDATE: OK, got some pictures now.
Hope you like it. I updated the thread I have in the Sci-Fi section with some more detailed comments on what
really went on when I put these together. Trust me. It wasn't easy.