Well hello everybody.
I'm leon, and I started this GB waaaaaay late, and only now have found time to get my build, underway.
I painted RF-4C Phantoms while serving in the USAF, back in the mid 80s.
I have always though the early block, 1963-64 models of the recce F-4s, looked interesting in their original paint scheme, that was the same as the Navys colors, and intent on making mine look like one of those.
I plan on trying to ID the plane as one of them I worked on, while in the service.
My model is actually a 1/48 Hasagawa RF-4B, that I am going to do my best to convert into the Air Force, "C" model.
Here are my begining shot, and I will have to keep the ball rolling on this one, to ensure its done by the deadline.