Oh, boy...
I step ashore for a miute and the head inmate opens up the asylum door for all!
Lt.Cdr. Namrednef, you are truly the mortar of the ship mate! Thanks fer being on yer toes and keeping a wary eye out. Have an extra tot, but mind yer tongue! Don't let that lil' bit out or it'll be the devil to pay for us all.
Attention on deck! Two new recruits have joined the crew!
raider83 and sfcmac
to the crew lads! Glad to have you aboard. You know the rules, and by golly I'm glad to have you here. Looking forward to seeing some WIP photos!
'opefully, the men haven't completely drained the barrels. The CAG is ashore swindling some more rum for the ship, and I'm sure he'll be along in a bit for the official welcome. Until, then, mind yer stations!
That is all.