LCdr. Namrednef has no barnacles! (they was blasted off durin' the last yard visit!
Jest becuz I speaks better than Ye lot don't mean I lays about like you cutthroat lubbers! And I never waste the rum!
Me concerns concern the mutinous lack of respect being shown the XO! There shall be no more of it! I seems to be the whip between Cag, XO and Cap'n Wyoroy! I thinks I could leave this to JR LCDr. Bondoface! But neigh! I must still pull on me short pants and hose......strap the cutlass......!
Happy to have been Knighted with a small 's' buy the plebe sfc! It be the thought that counts, I'm a-guessin'
Cag works in the military......XO doesn't work, but makes and repairs fine don't work. But Dammit! Them tops 4....adding the continually absent the ship!
Respect.....Ye lubbers! Respect!
Now lay down! Eat the gruel......and build some kits!