Well no arguments from me there stickman. Looks like you put some effort into improving the look and when it is painted I cant see anyone else realizing that it isn't all 100% accurate. It looks cool and will be sharp looking when done !
I have been toiling with the Albacore in between Naps , work and daddy stuff. Not a lot of time to spare. But I got thru page 2 of the instructions!.
Added all the PE and resin bits to the interior and test fitted and teast fitted some more to get the fuse halfs to fit as well as I can.
I promise to try to care enough to get some better pics. I have been trying my best to get some daylight which helps the focus and plan on setting up a tripod and a separate picture table with the works as soon as time allows! Time Jeeze. That and stronger coffee!
That little PE tool is a godsend! Works great! Think it is called a bug?
Well then I got the fuse halfs together filled and sanded. Had to really squeeze and manipulate to get it together. Somewhere in the process I must have squeezed to hard and dislodged the entire pilot pit. Didn't notice until I sat back down today and wondered why his seat was sideways!
Anyways Frank gave me an excellent lesson on splitting glued seams and I ended up redoing the whole of yesterdays efforts. This cause much grief and the things that fit before didn't want to this time around? After a lot of colorful language that could make the good Captain Bondo blush, I got it together again!
The IP is pretty impressive. PE resin and film give a realistic look!
Got some touch up painting to do and some sanding dust to blow out but it doesn't look too bad considering what it went through and my pleasant demeanor....
Try to get a better look at the inner details. I can't get them little levers to really focus well enough to count em all.
Well anyways I will keep at it and someday learn to take pics if not learn to build models!
Naptime again already! Thanks for looking you bunch of scourilous scalliwags!