OK, I wasn't sure posting pictures of my practice build was appropriate, but since the last Spitfires I built (other than RC) were the Revell 1/72 and Monogram 1/48 kits when they were new issues, it is certain I need the practice! I bought a pile of the ICM kits when Alanger was selling them off, as I remember for less than $10.00 each. They all have some molding flaws, the worst where the tail wheel fits and the instrument panel, looks to me like they were popping them out of the molds way too early and because the plastic is very thin and delicate. I used both hot water and a heat shrink gun to reform the parts, and had fair results. I did trash one fuselage, but such is the price of experience. The up side is I have extras for anything I might tweezerpult, and there are a lot of candidates for that in the ICM kits. Far more parts than the Tamiya and Hasegawa kits. I have many extras, like the side door on the cockpit, each kit comes with two, so long as you are careful removing one from its fuselage half.
I painted the interior parts overall MM British Interior Green and then tried a wash with very thin Tamiya Smoke, but I think it needs to be a darker wash. What's it look like to you guys? Also, does the green look like it's the right color? I tried something different this time on the IP too. The whole thing was painted Tamiya flat black, the gauges were filled with MM light gull gray, then Tamiya smoke was flowed in over the grey.