Happy Saturday to everyone....
Bondman; Yes, a 'sacrificial' kit is about the only way to add a section to a fuselage, but making a "short" version of the one the section was taken out of keeps it from being a loss.
Neil; I've tried everything in an attempt to make a set of landing lights that actually look like landing lights, and the most effective means I've found to accomplish that, was by far the easiest to do; small pin-heads under a transparent outer lens (tape). (1) When putting the wing halves together, add a ball of molding clay to the inside area around the LL cut (if the wing is already together, force some warm clay into the opening until it's packed well then hollow out a cavity in the clay), (2) now paint that cavity flat black, (3) stick two pins into the clay and arrange the heads to position the bulbs correctly, (4) cut the needed lins shape from a piece of clear scotch tape and roll it over the opening... (5) seal the edges with future and paint the aluminum frame.
Max; There's a Dash-8 in my future too, so I am watching and reading your reports with interest.
CD; You certainly are more tolerable with a decal malfunction than I am my friend! Sometimes my temper/frustration gets the best of me and the kit gets an early retirement.
Also, please note that I have completed the "Playboy" DC-9-30 on my build list!
I know; at long last, right? I'm also in the "trimming out" process with the Revell "Continental" B-738 build, and it should be done in the next couple days.
Here's the stage I'm at on the Airfix B-722 "cutaway" build; just finished installing all the seat backs (cut from sheet styrene) and overhead luggage compartment. The *passengers* are on there way and will soon populate the interior.
Take care,