Everyone's builds are moving along quite nicely. I am suprised
at myself for keeping up. I usually lag behind in most GBs.
Here are some pictures I thought would be interesting. The first
shows my P-51A kit mostly assembled. I still have lots of work to
do on the seams. All of the control surfaces were cut away, since
this model will be displayed 'in-flight', it will be necessary to rebond
all of them with some deflection.
Since someone was asking about cutting away control surfaces,
I wanted to show something that helps alot. If you can sand /
trim away some of the material inside the wing, it is easier to
install the control surface such that the LE looks more recessed
in the wing.
Lastly, I used some hypodermic needles to make more realistic
50-cal gun barrels in the wings. This is the first time I've tried
this and I was pleased with the results. It was tricky trying to
cut the hollow cylinder without collapsing it.