Wow, I like what I see so far w/ the WIP's especailly the built ups.. Very sweet in deed guys..!!
Well here is what I have thus far... I put some black on my tires, tail wheel and wheel wells as my base coat.
Used buffing Magesium for a secondary base coat for the tires & tail wheel... From there I dry brushed a light coat of buffing Aluminum.. Not too shabby me thinks.
As for the wheel wells, I used the same method that I used on the interior!! Hope you all like the slow process so far..!!
I also glued the fuselage together and dry fitted the wings to see what needs to be done before I glue them as well..
O before I forget, I installed my IP and as you can see, I used the instrument decal. I placed a few drops of futire to represent the glass.. So far so good..... crossing fingers n toes..!!
Thanks fer takin a peek..
Flaps up,
Rangers Lead The Way
If you would listen to everybody about the inaccuracies, most of the kits on your shelf would not have been built Too Close For Guns, Switching To Finger