Massage Fer De Guys
I'ze bak now!
Had a ruf time of it in hozputal. Seems da gaz dey giv me waz tu strong an efec..,/afac.., affac.../,, phooey..., changed my mind an da way I tink.
Hans are reel stif an sor but doin Ok. Taking dat message teraphy wit a reel perty gurl wich makes me hans straten rite out!! Soon be bak at me wurkbench an katchin up wit u guys.
In da meentim I been keepin buzy leernin new stuf. Dis Interupter net is grate. Ben studyin Engleesh on it fer a certifikat in da Engleesh Langauge, lik all dem oder new Kanadains do. Just tink, yesterday I culdn't spel 'Jurnalist'', now I are 1!!!
Cant wurk on me models yet so I finished wit dat puter coorse. Now studieyin da W3C Internet Designers Certification Course on da Interupter net. Finished HTMaL & XHTMaL and now Larnin PHP and Java - means drinkin coffee till me fingers shake. Den I'z gona take 'SQL' jus fer ta mak I laff.
Gotta a web-site ya all wants dezined, coded, and put up? I's yer fella. Fer free tu! Even got yer dem 'Flash' gizmos wit movink piktures an sownds. Corse I cheeted an used dat Mexican adobe hut program, culled 'Dreamweaver' . I trid da underground program culled "40-Winks", but it wer a mess.
Me buddy cros da way wrot his own versun of 'Dreamweaver' fer folks wit a short attenshun spann. Ifen yer want ta tri da ful program its culled "QwikNap", whitch is wat I uses.
Wurkin on a site of me own, culled 'Poppy's Bipolar-Support Place'. (Betcher didnt kno I was bipolar did yer - jus com outer da closet - dark in der) Ovar 100 pages coded so-fer - writ and code writ and code, write and code. Goin tu b anoder tree - fur months, den I puts er up!
How'z all you'se guyze doin on yer planes? I hope yer hafent't ben messin round while I've ben gon and not doin nuttin.
My ‘Spitfire' is callin fer me ta wurk on her, but I'se afeered of makin a big mistak and messin er up wit deez hans, so I'm gonna wate a bit more four I starts wurk again on her.
Jus drop me a line, an Pleez, uze gud Engleesh tho ur i won't reca.., / resp.., /resple..., repli..., ah shit,..........'writ bak'.
PS. Sum of youse guys hav bin mispillin my name an callin me 'Poopy'. Its Ok tho, cuz it's closer ta da trut den some of da oder names people calls me.