Thanks for all the comments, honestly. I feel like I didn't even work for them this weekend, lol.
Hans, that was pretty funny, if I do say so...
Narayan, thanks again for those manuals--lotsa great info in there! I'll be returning them this week; I'm pretty much done with them for now. I'm going to scan some of the details that are well-presented, and then you'll be seeing them soon!
Well, I have a small update. I didn't have the time, nor the proper paint to actually get the painting done-all I have now is a base coat of Tamiya Black Green--a really dark base coat. I've been doing my research, and apparently the green color in Vietnam used by the army was pretty "green"---much more so than the OD that we think of as WWII OD? I'm thinking of going with J.A. Green. It seems to match up with the colors I've seen in several photos. Of course, you know me--not really concerned with absolute color fidelity, as the weathering is going to change everything, but it's good to have a good starting point.
My student had a blast watching me airbrush and learning some tricks--cute kid, honestly, and asks a million
Well, I sprayed the base coat....
I missed some darned knock-out marks here...gotta patch them up...
The tracks are a breeze to put together once you get all those stupid sinkholes out of them!
You just slide the links into the end connectors--I'm sure that Bill has covered this before? Sorry if it's redundant...
The hardest art is getting the row of other connectors onto all of the track link ends...just snip them off with a razor blade or exacto.
Cool. One length is done. Rinse, repeat...
I'll be getting to the painting of the color coat tomorrow...patience is a virtue.....