So is a remake of 'Silent Running' in production yet? If not I'm looking for one in the next ten years or so considering Hollywierd's current obsession with remaking everything.
Have not heard of that (sadly, they are remaking Predator, with no Arnold--so, that's going to be a great steaming pile of excrement, also not set in South America or near narcosdel sol).
Hmm, a Silent Running remake.
Ok, Villan: Eil Corporations, Check
Cute robots, Check
Ecowarrior bravely saving biosphere, Check
So, tht looks like a 'go' given present h'wood standards. And, yes, Dern is irreplacable; but h'wood would make the hero some downtrodden urban inner city character anyway.
Now, I'm depressed. Now, if we could get some of the places that still make really good movies, with things like polts, sotrylines, realistic characters and the like; like say Australia, NZ, Czech, Korea even, that would be something. Mind they'd likel actually read the book. Which would make for an een better movie. Oh well.
Now, on the KSP front, I did some ciphering (I know, dangerous stuff, unsupervised and all). For a proper biosphere, you'd probably need about 150m of height. And, from my reading, you need something near 30m of soil depth to root trees. And you need somwhere around 3-5km across to give enough hectares to support a biome.
Then, it turns out, space is not that bright. Excepting near the la Grange points in the Earth-Moon system. So, a glass dome is not terribly effective, either. A sort of "cakebox" actually is a bettter geometry for the exercise.
It turns out that KSP will let you build a 3km x 200 cylinder. You can then surround it with an aspergas farm of solid rocket boosters. Getting that to orbit without an "unplanned vehicle disassembly" is a bit more complicated. What will fly, though, is a wedge of a cylinder. Even if it really resembles a rocket-powered cow. KSP does not have a neat mechanism to join complex parts in space (and you want to hold parts counts down, as the physics of nearly every part is continuously calcuated). So, I'll probably have to "cheat" the cakeboxes into orbit to test out my "sorta" valley Forge.