John I certainly appreciate your opinions and input, if I didn't want opinions or advice, strong or otherwise, I would not have asked, and your knowledge in this area exceeds mine to say the least. I suppose I have the luxury of not being a serious modeler in the sense you speak of in that I took an 18 year hiatus and prior to that most of my builds have been straight OOB, so experimenting is half the fun for me. That said, I have a very strong skill set working with wood (funny I've never built a wood ship model that) and my experience with oak differs from yours, however I've never used it in such a small scale before, I use it to make custom window, door, and furniture trim as well as flooring, so I suppose I will have to experiment a little before settling on a solution for the top masts, which is long way out to say the least.

I am not as concerned as Evan is regarding period correctness, not because it doesn't matter, but simply because I have not the time and from the look of his build thus far, nowhere near the skill he possesses. Nor is wood grain or other such details as scale quite as critical, (you'll know that when you see my pin rails). Believe me I can make oak look like cherry if need be, especially as it will be painted which hides the grain completely if done correctly, but your points are too valid to ignore so I will definitely have some thinking to do when I reach that stage. I have the disconcerting situation of having my mini lathe finally die a horrible death so turning my own topmasts is an issue. I will be using the kit provided spars, for some unknown reason I seem to have rather delicate touch when it comes to rigging and tension on the lines, but these topmasts are a joke, I will have to find a solution.

I am seriously sooking forward to how you address the issue Evan as you will reach that stage long before I do.

Thanks for the input boys and happy modeling!
