Hi there,
It's great that you have some physical plans to send to people as I am not able to send the PDF. I shared the files with "Nelson" aka Gary(?) via Skydrive and I am not sure if it worked? I never heard back from him. In the meantime, my hard drive crashed. Would you believe it!!! And I lost many a folder of reference material. :( :(
@ Nelson : Please let me know if you received those files and if you did, if you could send a copy them back to me as I lost everything on my hard-drive. That would be very much appreciated.
@Warshipguy: In reading back over this thread, I noticed that I neglected to answer your question. You had wnated to know what inaccuracies where getting my goat! (other than the water line)
Currently I am not too pleased with the beak-head grating. There are some great pics on the web of the Musee de la Marine models beakhead grating, and it is really disappointing. Some have scratch built their own but I'm not at that level yet.
Other things to think about:
-The head rail supports being missing. Making your own looks strange because the head rail extends much lower than shown in Berain's painting but none is a little stranger.
-The boats. a tad big, stack them or what?
-of course the rigging
-other things I forget
However none of these problems are major, and can make for some interesting kit bashing, etc.
Of interest: the following article has me convinced that the cannons are 100% accurate:
Take care and happy modeling!