Hey-enemeink!! That is one nice looking build.I have to commend you for taking on such an involved ship for your first of models of things that float! It is true that you have done a bangup job on the yellow paint.It is my impression that first rates(such as the VICTORY) had rust red or some such color(They didn,t want blood spatters showing during battle.)The injuries and maiming caused lots of the red stuff to be spilled.The worst enemy of sailors in those days was splintering and explosive shells exploding close aboard.That was a mess ,I am sure.It doesn,t matter though.You build her the way you want!! If I displayed my CONSTITUTION, I am sure I would get ripped.,I feel the same way about my VICTORY by HELLER.The gun decks on both are rust red and the gun line stripe on the "CONNIE"is not white but an oily grey/white.This I got from looking at tallships in real life.The "CONNIE" and her sisters didn,t have the luxury of long port stays so that kind of stuff would be off/white or even a faded out grey by the time they ported for yard work.So, I paint accordingly.What power magnifier did you use to do that forward shield and decoration with?? Again, great work for a first effort. Tankerbuilder