I`ll tell you one thing Gents, if the price of these paints, all of them, gets much higher, I`ll be figuring out ways to use craft paints. Tamiya acrylics @ $2.35 per 1/3oz bottle and MM enamels @ $ 3.85- 4.00 per 1/2 oz bottles are about to price me out of the hobby! Craft acrylics are about 2 bucks for a 5oz bottle with a vast array of colors. I think it`ll be a big PITA matching up colors to the model paints but very do-able. My Mom has a storage bin filled with craft paints and I`ve been eye-ballin` them...I feel an experiment coming on.....
Those craft paints are garbage. Paint is not that expensive and a bottle should paint a couple of models.
Tell me, how many kits do you have in your stash?