all of the above, but don't sweat it.
I've done a lot of stupids, don't sweat them, learn from them.
But one of the best things you can do for yourself is self-confidence!
self-pity is not an attractive thing in anybody.
IF you think victim, it comes out as desperate, so if you start going to gym/ the mall/ shopping/ theatre group/ church in order to find sombody, you won't.
IF you do any/all of the above because you want to/enjoy it, then that shows as well, but a new body/car/clothes/etc won't make you happy in themselves...
So If you think there is an improvement you want to make for yourself, do it for yourself, no one else!
PS, keep up your hobby, join a hobby club in your neighbourhood, if any, and when you meet someone, if they tolerate/indulge/actively support/take part in your interests, than that's good, but not a deal breaker.
What would be a deal breaker would be if they insist you dump old hobbies & friends. Psycho-nutter territory, there...
My partner of 8 years, tolerates/indulges/actively supports/ & sometimes takes part, in that she has been to shows with me, has won aircraft in the tombola, allows me to coincide holiday trips with history events, re-enactments, military museums, model shop visits, etc.
This works because we have a heap of related shared interests, History, castles, reenactments, etc, and I am attentive to her interests & needs, which allows me to spend brownie points on solo model show jaunts.
And as she says to her friends, Modellers know how to FIX & MAKE things, & I treat her better than any other man she has ever known. so she says I'm a keeper, lol