I got back from the local model show a couple of hours ago. Nice turnout! I went expecting nothing (my model needs are filled) and except for decals expected to buy nothing. Boy, was I wrong! I found (to my surprise) B-29 decals to replace my yellowed kit ones, and some British roundels for my Hurricane project. But, to my surprise, there was a fellow who had a large selection and was letting them go at surprising prices (a Monogram 1/48 B-29 kit for $60? Why did I already have one!) I made all my purchases from him. $40 dollars all told. They were a Hasegawa A6M5C ($10 mostly for the decals), Monogram FW190 ($5 for parts) and a Hasegawa Val at $25 (I've wanted one).
And inside were a True Details A6M cockpit, and for the FW190 several sets of decal sheets. I think I got my money's worth!
They also held a raffle with over 350 kits (a lot left over from last year). However, they do it in a different way. I don't know how common it is, but they assign a ticket to each kit and if you hold the ticket, that's the kit you receive. This means that they get rid of most of the kits, but unless your lucky, it's less than satisfying. For instance, I received 3 kits: An Academy 1/48 F-16A/C, an ICM Pz. Kpkw. VI Ausf. B Konigstiger, and a Fujima 1/72 F-4N. Not something I would have picked myself. I'm not an armor guy or a modern jet guy.
The F-16 I may turn into a NASA bird, but I don't know if I want to keep the others. There are a few people on here who I know would like to have them, and I'm willing to let them go. Anyway, that's it for today!