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Real G A big fish landed in my office the other day: ...
A big fish landed in my office the other day:
As if I weren't already scared enough of the water. Now I'm going to have night mares about prehistoric fish with teeth bigger than my head coming to get me
Panzer Joe, those are some fine acquisitions!
Real G, that sea monster looks pretty frightening! I’ll bet that Lucas or ILM used that for some inspiration for both the Rancor and some of the deep sea creatures on Naboo. Who says that sea monsters have never been real?
F is for FIRE, That burns down the whole town!
U is for URANIUM... BOMBS!
N is for NO SURVIVORS...
- Plankton
Oh and the other stuff is cool too!!!
SP: I picked up the DEF Miniatures set of Korean War refugees a while back. Very pleasantly surprised by the high quality of the figures.
"I dream in fire but work in clay." -Arthur Machen
Oh that Dunky is awesome!!!
It's Paleocraft's 1/20 Dunkleosteus, a Devonian Era super predator. How big was the real deal?
An Archelon would not stand a chnace.
Inspiration for the Return of the Jedi Rancor?
“Ya ya ya, unicorn papoi!”
I like that Tornado, 1961!
Nice hauls guys this is what I got the other day.
IMG_0369 by jbmitchell777, on Flickr" alt="" width="153" height="204" />
IMG_0370 by jbmitchell777, on Flickr" alt="" width="153" height="204" />
lewbud Thanks Stik. The problem with decals is that you buy them for one scheme and inevitably there's another that you'll want to do as well. I didn't realize how much of a redesign the P-51H was in relation to the D until I got the RS kit. Look forward to seeing your commander figure painted. Which build is it for?
Thanks Stik. The problem with decals is that you buy them for one scheme and inevitably there's another that you'll want to do as well. I didn't realize how much of a redesign the P-51H was in relation to the D until I got the RS kit. Look forward to seeing your commander figure painted. Which build is it for?
I hear you on decals Lew. There are more attractive schemes than there is room on my shelves or in the stash. And yes, the H is a whole different Pony than the D. Sort of like the A to B.
The TC is for my M46 build. It’s in the armor section if you’re bored and have the time.
I find Le Man series type cars really appealing and Mustang fighters are always a favourite nice order. Another favourite of mine is the Sunderland I ordered one when I went on line for Vallejo yellow Air Colour and flow improver and couldn't resist adding a couple more old favorites. They arrived on Thursday and Friday still waiting for the yellow that started the loss of self control.
I'm liking the Jaguar!
Buddy- Those who say there are no stupid questions have never worked in customer service.
Nice scores Lew. I really like all the decal sheets.
The postman brought my Sprue Brothers payday order today... a TC figure for my M46, a couple acrylic MRP paints that look to be good uniform colors, and a glue I’m gonna try out for the first time... Micro Weld
These came via fast airplane from HLJ (no surface shipping due to COVID). The decals came by post last week.
To be used in a future Mustangs of the World build.
As part of a collection of postwar aircraft flown by the 111th FIS out of Ellington Field by the Texas Air National Guard. The collection will consist of (in order) P-51D, F-84E, P-51H, P-80C, F-86D/L, F-102, F-101B, F-4C/D, F-16A-D, and MQ-1 Predator.
If my pictures are good enough, as raced at the San Antonio Grand Prix back in the late 80's.
For the 111FIS build.
For my not yet started F-16s of the World collection.
Nice additions Pat. I've got the Scimiter as well, looks a nice kit.
I am a Norfolk man and i glory in being so
On the bench: Airfix 1/72nd Harrier GR.3/Fujimi 1/72nd Ju 87D-3
Pat, those two are a pair of nice purchases. The Scimitar is a gorgeous kit. And the Chinese Harpoon target, I mean Frigate looks really cool! Those bigger scale ships can be so beautifully detailed....
A couple more kits came in the mail today from eBay. I bought the Scimitar because I wanted a model of a light relatively modern armoreved vehicle to go along side some of my earlier era light tank models. I bought the 2nd model, the Chinese Frigate, nitially though mostly just for parts (especially the hull) for kitbashing. However, once I opened the package I discovered that its actually kind of a nice model on its own. It's a weird scale (1/260) but its nice because that's big enough that they were able to give some of the parts some realtively nice detail (such as the separately molded life raft cases and the molded on watertight doors etc). So now I am thinking of building the kit pretty much straight out of the box.
Yes Brandon, I'm really chuffed!
Remember , common sense is not common.
PatW HOORAY! Bagged another long wanted kit! The surfboard, skateboard, the figure and the kool bike are long wanted extras. Plus the choice of pick up or woody is a big plus on my scoreboard!
HOORAY! Bagged another long wanted kit! The surfboard, skateboard, the figure and the kool bike are long wanted extras. Plus the choice of pick up or woody is a big plus on my scoreboard!
On the bench:
A lot !! And I mean A LOT!!
2024 Kits on deck / in process / completed
14 / 5 / 2
Oh those are cool guys!!! Funny I forget about this thread when it isn't on top though...
PFJN: Love that Ram tank, I need one of those!
And cool Spruce Paladin. Most Japanese trainers and experimental aircraft were painted in that weird orange colour.
HOORAY! Bagged another long wanted kit! The surfboard, skateboard, the figure and the kool Scwinn Stingray bike are long wanted extras. Plus the choice of pick up or woody is a big plus on my scoreboard!
and the kool dude himself...............
The postman delivered this to my porch yesterday! I’ve been wanting this kit for some time. Why the old Hobbycraft E-1 when there are other newer E-1 kits available you might ask? Well because of the way that Hobbycraft molded their E series kits, with the 20mm gun barrels and magazine wing bulges molded as separate items, I can use those on another 109 project that I have in mind... The price was a true bargain, under $8 plus inexpensive shipping. And it got to my grubby little hands in under three days. I wish all eBay sellers would charge their shipping like this guy.
Anyways, this kit was still sealed in the cellophane wrapper.
The Japanese equivalent of the Stearman! Very nice score Paladin!
Picked this up on Scale Model Graveyard, a facebook auction group. Interesting color of plastic, I guess it'll be safe to build this one while hunting deer! I'm in PA, so part of the Pumpkin Army
I bought a zombie to go with the zombie hunter that delivered a few weeks back. I'm hoping actual death will keep on moving past our house when he sees the reaper is already here.
T e d
stikpusherAre you going to build it in the box top developmental South West Asia camo?
Nice score Brandon! That is a REAL BIG ONE once assembled. I hope you have some place to put it! Are you going to build it in the box top developmental South West Asia camo?
Pat those are some great scores as well! The charicature irreverent personalities of those kits is hilarious!
From ebay UK..........
and from online shop Kingkit..............
I'm also trying to find................
Snagged this one up the other day on the cheap. Been waiting for one to be a reasonable price.
stikpusher So are you going to do a well detailed interior on this one Joe?
So are you going to do a well detailed interior on this one Joe?
"Not only do I not know what's going on, I wouldn't know what to do about it if I did". George Carlin
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