Youre too kind. Just doing my best.
I didnt know you were into armor too. Some of the guys will be holding a clinic on how to make stowage for armor. A sort of techinique exchange. Ill be demonstrating my mine. Its cheap!
Was there for a hearing that never occurred. Swell. And the rains would let up for only a few minutes. Well at least the air was good.
Niiice sig! Now I really have to do something about mine. It looks like the rains got to it and smeared it up. LOL.
Yep. Its the weather alright. Thank goodness for Tuseran.
Thanks! But Ill have to clean the sig up, yet.
Im sort of in a slump, too. Work's been kinda hectic, and that trip to Isabela really wore me down. The elections there were pretty violent. Imagine, Army V-150s, Humvees and M-35s escorting ballot boxes.