For as much research i have done on this movie, I have seen that article, but have also read that Renny Yater produced 90 of those replicas for sale a few years back. According to some other things Ive read, Robert Duvall owns one of the actual movie boards, and so does Francis Ford Coppola (I heard it was on display at one of his winerys) I dont know how many were used in the film, but its possible that there are others out there. Anyways, back to the subject at hand...
Still cranking away at this thing gathering all the minute details to help "sell it" so to speak. Ray has been such a great help i couldnt have asked for a better Huey guru to help me out, no offense to all you other gurus out there! We are definitely going with a bravo model as I stated earlier, despite the Ds from the film...
..and in light of Veterans Day, I want to thank all the veterans as well as active men and women in our military. Your dedication is invaluable. Thank you.