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ME-262: Reich Defender II 10/09-7/10

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  • Member since
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  • From: South Central Wisconsin
Posted by Daywalker on Saturday, October 3, 2009 1:04 AM

Listen up!  I have no recollections of any of these afore-mentioned stories, nor would I be at liberty to discuss such activities if they did in fact, occur. Taped Shut [XX]

Allright, allright...

I was young, needed the money, and had never drank vodka before. Dunce [D)] LOL

This GB is already off to a cracking start, and we haven't even started yet!  This is really gonna be fun. Approve [^]



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  • From: back seat of your car with duct tape streched out
Posted by soulcrusher on Friday, October 2, 2009 9:48 PM

I heard a rumor he was fired from Nakajima for drinking all of the sacrificial saki intended for the kamakazi pilots. That Frank was quite a rablerouser back in his youth!Big Smile [:D]

                                                                                                   SoulcrusherPirate [oX)]


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  • From: Carmel, CA
Posted by bondoman on Friday, October 2, 2009 9:40 PM
 soulcrusher wrote:

Unfortunatly Frank was a bit to zelious to get the F4U in the air and tried to take of before the foldong wings or prop were installed and this causes the prodject manager to have second thoughts about Frank as thier chief test pilot but he soon moved on to bigger and better things.Big Smile [:D]

                                                                             SoulcrusherPirate [oX)]

Oh indeed he did!

First as a chief test pilot for Nakajima:

Then as a commissioned officer (XO) in the United States Navy:

While moonlighting as a valiant Spaceman! Spiffy!

Our Frank is quite a boy!

  • Member since
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  • From: Yokosuka, Japan
Posted by luftwaffle on Friday, October 2, 2009 7:57 PM

 vetteman42 wrote:
ROFLMAO!!!! You guys are killin me here ! This is gonna be a fun group.

The whole loony bin is present for duty, ought to be a crazy ride! Propeller [8-] 


aka Mike, The Mikester My Website

"He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire."   -Winston Churchill

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  • From: USA California
Posted by vetteman42 on Friday, October 2, 2009 7:29 PM
ROFLMAO!!!! You guys are killin me here ! This is gonna be a fun group.

Randy So many to build.......So little time

  • Member since
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  • From: back seat of your car with duct tape streched out
Posted by soulcrusher on Friday, October 2, 2009 7:19 PM

Yes alot of poeple might not even be aware of some of the great things Frank has acomplished in him lifetime. One of the was his short stint as a test pilot for Voight Chance when he was the cheif test pilot for their new F4u.

Unfortunatly Frank was a bit to zelious to get the F4U in the air and tried to take of before the foldong wings or prop were installed and this causes the prodject manager to have second thoughts about Frank as thier chief test pilot but he soon moved on to bigger and better things.Big Smile [:D]

                                                                             SoulcrusherPirate [oX)]


  • Member since
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  • From: Inland Northwest
Posted by Summit on Friday, October 2, 2009 7:18 PM
 luftwaffle wrote:



Aaron, the big 262 is on it's way to the great Pacific Northwest for Sean to wrestle with! I'll stay in the corner and work on my "little" 262's! Laugh [(-D]


Aw crud the cat is out of the bag - so much for my headstart of scheming outrageous scratchbuilt ideas to aggravate Aaron..Mischief [:-,]

 sfcmac wrote:

And yet to further torment me he sends it to Sean! Does he not realize what happens when Summit and I have the same kit?  Ack Little quick out of box practice builds become full blown conversion and scratched monsters that take months LOL!  Should be a ball!


I really dont know what you would be refering too Confused [%-)] Laugh [(-D]

Ha ha ha ha Should be an exciting build Thumbs Up [tup] Thumbs Up [tup]


Sean "I've reached nearly fifty years of age with my system." Weekend GB 2008
  • Member since
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  • From: League City, Texas
Posted by sfcmac on Friday, October 2, 2009 7:01 PM

 luftwaffle wrote:
  I'm going to take the coward's way out and buy a Trumpy 1/32 262 in Japan in a couple of weeks!

 Oh he is a sly one he is! Evil [}:)] Going to the orient to pick and choose!  Well I guess some of us got it plenty good! Bow [bow] Only thing the Japanese gave me was some chopstiks with my take out!  I am soooo jealous again!


 Dave that pic is sure a blast from  the past! Propeller [8-] Some of these are going back to the BOB GB even! 

 Downhill Frank? Whatever do you mean?


The real reason for the change is no one goes head to head with Daywalker model machine and lives to tell about it. 

So true!

  • Member since
    December 2004
  • From: Yokosuka, Japan
Posted by luftwaffle on Friday, October 2, 2009 6:08 PM
 sfcmac wrote:
 luftwaffle wrote:


Change in plans here.  I opened up the box on the 1/32 Hasegawa 262 and it's suffering from a badly warped fuselage and missing parts so I'm switching to plan B.  I'll be doing a pair of Revell 1/72 262's:

The real reason for the change is no one goes head to head with Daywalker model machine and lives to tell about it.  I'll stay in the corner and work on my "little" 262's! Laugh [(-D]

The big 262 is on it's way to the great Pacific Northwest for Sean to wrestle with!


A HA!!!!! You all just don't enjoy the meaning of dressing comfortable!

Luftwaffle has obviously backed away from tackling the same kit as I. Who could blame him with his limited experience tackling German Aircraft. Laugh [(-D]( you do realize that is sarcasm) And yet to further torment me he sends it to Sean! Does he not realize what happens when Summit and I have the same kit?  Ack Little quick out of box practice builds become full blown conversion and scratched monsters that take months LOL!  Should be a ball!


Alright you caught me! Cool [8D]

I'm sure you and Sean will both do the old Hasegawa war horse justice.  I'm going to take the coward's way out and buy a Trumpy 1/32 262 in Japan in a couple of weeks!

aka Mike, The Mikester My Website

"He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire."   -Winston Churchill

  • Member since
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  • From: Vernon, BC, Canada
Posted by razordws on Friday, October 2, 2009 5:15 PM

Careful with those speedos Aaron.  Remember what happened last time...


  • Member since
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  • From: South Central Wisconsin
Posted by Daywalker on Friday, October 2, 2009 4:40 PM

My goodness... this build is going South before we even get started! Disapprove [V]  LOL, glad to see everyone having so much fun already.

Mac- Threatening to hand out Speedo bikini briefs?  Now that's low.  Two can play at that game, DON'T YOU FORGET THAT!!! Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg]

luftwaffle- Got your changes, and updated page 1. Thumbs Up [tup]  Like that Scwalbe in your sig line very much. Approve [^]

Guy- Thanks for sharing that bit on the guy with his 262 bits.  With customer service like that, he already has a client right here.  If I ever need anything he has, I will be certain to look him up.

Jeremy- Shock [:O]  What are you doing Man?  DON'T ENCOURAGE THEM!!!  It can (and probably will) get worse.  Laugh [(-D]




  • Member since
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  • From: League City, Texas
Posted by sfcmac on Friday, October 2, 2009 3:55 PM
 luftwaffle wrote:


Change in plans here.  I opened up the box on the 1/32 Hasegawa 262 and it's suffering from a badly warped fuselage and missing parts so I'm switching to plan B.  I'll be doing a pair of Revell 1/72 262's:

The real reason for the change is no one goes head to head with Daywalker model machine and lives to tell about it.  I'll stay in the corner and work on my "little" 262's! Laugh [(-D]

The big 262 is on it's way to the great Pacific Northwest for Sean to wrestle with!


A HA!!!!! You all just don't enjoy the meaning of dressing comfortable!

Luftwaffle has obviously backed away from tackling the same kit as I. Who could blame him with his limited experience tackling German Aircraft. Laugh [(-D]( you do realize that is sarcasm) And yet to further torment me he sends it to Sean! Does he not realize what happens when Summit and I have the same kit?  Ack Little quick out of box practice builds become full blown conversion and scratched monsters that take months LOL!  Should be a ball!

 Oh and um Jeremy if you really knew us I wouldn't suggest dressing like a french maid around this bunch!  Blush [:I]Kisses [:X] Might end up like a bad episode of OZ.  Ask Bondo!  Our friend Nam dressed up as Little Red riding Hood once. Has not been seen since! Whistling [:-^]Boohoo [BH] We all still miss him badly! 

Where ever the Namrednef may be here's to ya!  No matter how bad my builds get I always thought of him.Make a Toast [#toast]

  • Member since
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  • From: Rhode Island
Posted by jmabx on Friday, October 2, 2009 3:34 PM
 Summit wrote:

Thats why everyone always follows up with the pic of "Sarge" to sooth the eyes after seeing Guy's pic..

Yuck [yuck] I can't take it! I'm going to have to build with my French Maid outfit on just to get a sense of normalcy. Big Smile [:D]

Jeremy    Propeller


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  • From: Inland Northwest
Posted by Summit on Friday, October 2, 2009 3:30 PM
 luftwaffle wrote:

I am afraid that image may be permanently etched on my retinae and the only option will be gouging my eyes out!

Thats why everyone always follows up with the pic of "Sarge" to sooth the eyes after seeing Guy's pic..

Laugh [(-D]

Sean "I've reached nearly fifty years of age with my system." Weekend GB 2008
  • Member since
    December 2004
  • From: Yokosuka, Japan
Posted by luftwaffle on Friday, October 2, 2009 3:27 PM
 Luftwoller wrote:
 soulcrusher wrote:

Frank while I can not deny your rugged good looks I am the official pretty boy of the Regia Aeronautica GB hands down.Big Smile [:D]

                                                                                     SoulcrusherPirate [oX)]

Err Scott Baio, i think your forgetting 2 ppl who just HAVE to dumb down thier sheer animal magnetism and, of course, thier stunning beauty....


and his gorgeousness, The Sarge,

Nuff said, methinks.


#EDIT# yey, look whats just arrived through the door,

no sign of the flaps though? Another phone call, DOH!!

I am afraid that image may be permanently etched on my retinae and the only option will be gouging my eyes out!

aka Mike, The Mikester My Website

"He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire."   -Winston Churchill

  • Member since
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  • From: back seat of your car with duct tape streched out
Posted by soulcrusher on Friday, October 2, 2009 2:41 PM
 Luftwoller wrote:
 soulcrusher wrote:

Frank while I can not deny your rugged good looks I am the official pretty boy of the Regia Aeronautica GB hands down.Big Smile [:D]

                                                                                     SoulcrusherPirate [oX)]

Err Scott Baio, i think your forgetting 2 ppl who just HAVE to dumb down thier sheer animal magnetism and, of course, thier stunning beauty....


and his gorgeousness, The Sarge,

Nuff said, methinks.


#EDIT# yey, look whats just arrived through the door,

no sign of the flaps though? Another phone call, DOH!!

Guy you are correct there just is no denying the manlyness mojo that makes you and Sarge so hansome but I still stand by my original post. I am the official pretty boy of the RA GB by unanimious vote!Big Smile [:D] Do I have to make a viddy here in this GB too just to prove it?

Guy that is so cool that this bloke sent you the parts first and then told you to pay when you get them. You just do not see that kind of trust these days. He is definetely ace! Your 262 is going to be sweet with that big old gun hanging out of the nose.Thumbs Up [tup]

Frank is ace and I whish I was his son for starting this great GB!

                                                                       SoulcrusherPirate [oX)]


  • Member since
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  • From: Carmel, CA
Posted by bondoman on Friday, October 2, 2009 2:30 PM
 jmabx wrote:
 Summit wrote:


What the... ??? Who the... ???

What on Earth is going on here? Thumbs Down [tdn]

Things are turnin' sour here... fast!

Jeremy, art from the inaugaral 2009 Bondo Hawaiian shirt challenge. Some of the entries were a little over the top. Dee's dog was the winner that year, which caused a mutiny among the rest of the contestants.
  • Member since
    December 2004
  • From: Yokosuka, Japan
Posted by luftwaffle on Friday, October 2, 2009 2:18 PM


Change in plans here.  I opened up the box on the 1/32 Hasegawa 262 and it's suffering from a badly warped fuselage and missing parts so I'm switching to plan B.  I'll be doing a pair of Revell 1/72 262's:

1/72 Revell Me 262B-1a/U1, "Red 10", 10./NJG 11, Oblt. Kurt Welter

1/72 Revell Me 262A-1a, "Red 2", 10./NJG 11, Fw. Karl-Heinz Becker

Both will be getting some "aftermarket love". Big Smile [:D]

Aaron, the big 262 is on it's way to the great Pacific Northwest for Sean to wrestle with! I'll stay in the corner and work on my "little" 262's! Laugh [(-D]


aka Mike, The Mikester My Website

"He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire."   -Winston Churchill

  • Member since
    October 2007
  • From: Rhode Island
Posted by jmabx on Friday, October 2, 2009 1:34 PM
 Summit wrote:


What the... ??? Who the... ???

What on Earth is going on here? Thumbs Down [tdn]

Things are turnin' sour here... fast!

Jeremy    Propeller


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  • From: Louisville, KY.
Posted by Cosmic J on Friday, October 2, 2009 11:34 AM

My eyes! The goggles do nothing!

That sarge is kinda hot, though...


  • Member since
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  • From: Inland Northwest
Posted by Summit on Friday, October 2, 2009 10:46 AM
 sfcmac wrote:

Gear up men! This is gonna be a wild and dangerous ride! Some of you may not make it back!


Whistling [:-^]

Sean "I've reached nearly fifty years of age with my system." Weekend GB 2008
  • Member since
    October 2004
  • From: League City, Texas
Posted by sfcmac on Friday, October 2, 2009 10:32 AM

AND Just what is wrong with my undergarments!  Thankyou very much! Grumpy [|(]Laugh [(-D] You had better watch out or I'll send you some speedo bikini briefs!  Shock [:O]Dead [xx(] The give the phrase going for a ride a whole diff meaning!

 Oh my such heavy weights here I hope I can pass muster!  Holy cow Luftwaffle is doing the same kit as me how am I gonna compete with that?  Good thing German Aircraft is his weakest area eh?

 Man this is looking to be a cool research and picture build. Gonna be both entertaining and informative to surely advance all our knowledge and skills! Friendship and teamwork with the usual tomfoolery! The very idea and essence of what a GB! Should be! An example to all!

STOP IT WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO MAKE US RESPECTABLE! Probably never happen. Sigh [sigh]Make a Toast [#toast]

                            ( The 1000 yard stare already!)

Gear up men! This is gonna be a wild and dangerous ride! Some of you may not make it back! ( Especially if I get a hold of Guy for posting that pic again!) Mischief [:-,]

  • Member since
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  • From: South Central Wisconsin
Posted by Daywalker on Friday, October 2, 2009 10:11 AM

You got it Mike, welcome aboard! Big Smile [:D]

Guy- List updated. Wink [;)]  Promise you won't post any more pics of the Sarge in his undergarments or they won't let you play here anymore! Laugh [(-D]

Got my resin bits from Sprue Bros yesterday for the CS-92/B-1a.  Looks like a cool set! Thumbs Up [tup]



  • Member since
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  • From: Bournemouth UK
Posted by Luftwoller on Friday, October 2, 2009 9:18 AM

PM returned Sean,

Frank, Its official. Tamiya 1/48 1A/U4 for me big boy. You Optivisor wearing Genius.


..'Your an embarrassment to the human genus, makes me ashamed to call myself Homo'.
  • Member since
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  • From: Inland Northwest
Posted by Summit on Friday, October 2, 2009 8:41 AM

Guy -  Very nice bits... And your adding the cannon ? This is one build I will be looking forward too...

ps Check your P/M's 

Sean "I've reached nearly fifty years of age with my system." Weekend GB 2008
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  • From: Tempe, AZ
Posted by eptingmike on Friday, October 2, 2009 8:34 AM

Good morning,

Could you put me down for the Tamiya ME 262 a-2?

Thank you much!

Mike Epting

aka eptingmike


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  • From: South Central Wisconsin
Posted by Daywalker on Friday, October 2, 2009 7:29 AM

LOL, you guys are killing me.  I do have to keep my eyes on you every second, don't I?

Guy- That will be just about enough of that photo-posting.  Didn't need to see the Sarge in a frilly pink nighty first thing in the morning.  Boo.



  • Member since
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  • From: Naples, FL
Posted by tempestjohnny on Friday, October 2, 2009 5:46 AM
 Luftwoller wrote:
 soulcrusher wrote:

Frank while I can not deny your rugged good looks I am the official pretty boy of the Regia Aeronautica GB hands down.Big Smile [:D]

                                                                                     SoulcrusherPirate [oX)]

Err Scott Baio, i think your forgetting 2 ppl who just HAVE to dumb down thier sheer animal magnetism and, of course, thier stunning beauty....


and his gorgeousness, The Sarge,

Nuff said, methinks.


#EDIT# yey, look whats just arrived through the door,

no sign of the flaps though? Another phone call, DOH!!

AHHH MY EYES!!!  They're burning.......Boohoo [BH]


  • Member since
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  • From: Bournemouth UK
Posted by Luftwoller on Friday, October 2, 2009 4:05 AM
 soulcrusher wrote:

Frank while I can not deny your rugged good looks I am the official pretty boy of the Regia Aeronautica GB hands down.Big Smile [:D]

                                                                                     SoulcrusherPirate [oX)]

Err Scott Baio, i think your forgetting 2 ppl who just HAVE to dumb down thier sheer animal magnetism and, of course, thier stunning beauty....


and his gorgeousness, The Sarge,

Nuff said, methinks.


#EDIT# yey, look whats just arrived through the door,

no sign of the flaps though? Another phone call, DOH!!

..'Your an embarrassment to the human genus, makes me ashamed to call myself Homo'.
  • Member since
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  • From: Niagara Falls NY
Posted by Butz on Thursday, October 1, 2009 11:12 PM
 soulcrusher wrote:
 razordws wrote:
 Butz wrote:


 Um Frank, I have seen pix of you along side a F-16 and well my vote goes to the 16 hands down!!Shock [:O]Laugh [(-D]

 I can only concur to what has been said already..!! Totally looking forward to to this build as well as sharing and seeing WIPs

Hey SC, I thought with our Cult, we'd hit up the Hobby Shops...

 "Breaking News, this just in, three persons of interest from a group called FPC(Franks Plastic Cult) robbed the local hobby shop this morn.. No harm was done but 2 1/48th scale F-16s, 1 1/35th scale M1A2 Abrams and some Mr Surfacer were takin.. Please stay tuned for the latest breaking news invoving the FPC

Flaps up,


Rangers Lead The Way

It is rumored that the members of the FPC were wearing Blue Plaid Flannel Shirts. 

Yes and it was also noted that we all looked ruggedly hansome in them to! Funny though it seems they were blaming the whole episode on some guy named Dave for some reason?Big Smile [:D]

                                                                                    SoulcrusherPirate [oX)]


 I did not realize how ruggedly hansome I looked in the blue Plaid Flannel Shirt. 

 Ok, why are the fashion authority asking me about Dave fashion sense?Propeller [8-]

Flaps up,


Rangers Lead The Way

  If you would listen to everybody about the inaccuracies, most of the kits on your shelf would not have been built Too Close For Guns, Switching To Finger


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