You guys have set the bar way up there with the work on display so far, so I'll do my best.
They sure have set the bar high Ruddratt, some excellent work going on here for sure. I am not even sure I can keep up with these guys and like you will give it my best shot.
Supressionfire the tracks look very real the way you have them sagging Its the one thing that has me worried about building my tank. Cant wait to see the next installment of your build.
Eatthis no problem on your build change, just let me know who manufactur3ed the kit and I will update the front page.
To answer your question, I know some scratch built detail can be hidden once a fuse is closed up but they can be shown with WIP pictures along with a bit of a " How I Dun It " type of thing. Thats a large part of what the group is about.