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The Official F-4 Phantom II Group Build 2011

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  • Member since
    April 2005
Posted by Thunderbolt379 on Friday, June 24, 2011 9:22 PM

Oh, he was hammered, for sure, which contributed to the fall and gave us the historic business about the length of brush shank next to him in the cockpit. I remember carefully painting it in the Revell 1:32 and laying it in there, I think it's visible through the canopy...

As for the rest, who knows? The 163 was a candidate, for sure, and theres endless speculation and fun to be had with that. Personally I think the Germans probably put a man in space in April '45... (cough, splutter, gag...) Whistling

Now, back to the Phantoms...


  • Member since
    February 2010
  • From: Ontario, Canada
Posted by Bockscar on Friday, June 24, 2011 9:23 PM


Yeh I have noticed some of the new kit prices coming down a bit and I have also noticed that it's getting a lot more competitive on auctions.  More people seem to be wanting the older kits.  Oh and thanks for reminding me that I need to get her started on her Blue Angel this weekend.





 Son Of Medicine Man:





Yep, I totally agree with you Dom.  I have made some good scores on ebay, and paid way too much on others.  I figure it comes out about even.

I think that maybe our hobby has turned the corner and is starting to pick up again.  I mean, I just bought the brand new 1/32 F-84E that Hobby Boss just put out.  And there is already some aftermarket parts for it!  And look at Sprue Brothers, their business has increased enough that they had to move into a new building.

My hat is off to those of you who have been in the hobby for the long haul.  And kudos to Rich for getting his daughter enthusiastic enough to participate.  What a great hobby that parents can enjoy along with their children!




Yes Ken, truer spokes have never been wheeled...uh...a little cyclist humour there....

I agree with Rich, the old stuff really attracts a premium, mea culpa, i paid a small fortune for the really old stuff, and no, I can't find it for sale anymore.

As we say """...We Are Rebuilding Our Youth...One Kit At A Time...Copyright © 2008 Ovic GS""" Heh Heh.....

Yeah, Deborah and Rich are definitely on the right path helping Marissa get started on the right foot.

Rich, is that an F-4 BA, or another?


  • Member since
    February 2010
  • From: Ontario, Canada
Posted by Bockscar on Friday, June 24, 2011 9:29 PM

uhhhh....not so fast F-4 Man.......I want pics of that build......cough sputter.....he's lucky he got a broomstick a B-29.....oh yeah, standard doubt.......stickyBB doors.....needed that around for sure.....

Hey, that's and interesting thought, wot, they put someone on the end of a V-2? Did WernerVB forget he did that? maybe he was kinda' handy too....BeerYes

  • Member since
    April 2005
Posted by Thunderbolt379 on Friday, June 24, 2011 9:38 PM

The X-1? I'd have to scan some old prints, I built it for an Aussie model mag back in the 90s...

Well, the Germans had the A-4 (?) and A-9 piloted versions in development, and the beefed-up A-10 booster stage underway as well (meant to lob a warhead at New York), they would have had the hardware to get close. Doubtful in the timeframe, but it's always fun to speculate...


  • Member since
    August 2009
  • From: Toledo Area OH
Posted by Sparrowhyperion on Friday, June 24, 2011 9:45 PM

It was the F4-J.  Here's the actual kit.





Yes Ken, truer spokes have never been wheeled...uh...a little cyclist humour there....


I agree with Rich, the old stuff really attracts a premium, mea culpa, i paid a small fortune for the really old stuff, and no, I can't find it for sale anymore.

As we say """...We Are Rebuilding Our Youth...One Kit At A Time...Copyright © 2008 Ovic GS""" Heh Heh.....

Yeah, Deborah and Rich are definitely on the right path helping Marissa get started on the right foot.

Rich, is that an F-4 BA, or another?


In the Hangar: 1/48 Hobby Boss F/A-18D RAAF Hornet,

On the Tarmac:  F4U-1D RNZAF Corsair 1/48 Scale.

  • Member since
    August 2009
  • From: Toledo Area OH
Posted by Sparrowhyperion on Friday, June 24, 2011 9:47 PM

Marissa has a 1/32 X1 waiting on the shelf.  When we get someplace big enough, I will let her build it.



The X-1? I'd have to scan some old prints, I built it for an Aussie model mag back in the 90s...

Well, the Germans had the A-4 (?) and A-9 piloted versions in development, and the beefed-up A-10 booster stage underway as well (meant to lob a warhead at New York), they would have had the hardware to get close. Doubtful in the timeframe, but it's always fun to speculate...


In the Hangar: 1/48 Hobby Boss F/A-18D RAAF Hornet,

On the Tarmac:  F4U-1D RNZAF Corsair 1/48 Scale.

  • Member since
    February 2010
  • From: Ontario, Canada
Posted by Bockscar on Friday, June 24, 2011 9:55 PM


It was the F4-J.  Here's the actual kit.







Yes Ken, truer spokes have never been wheeled...uh...a little cyclist humour there....


I agree with Rich, the old stuff really attracts a premium, mea culpa, i paid a small fortune for the really old stuff, and no, I can't find it for sale anymore.

As we say """...We Are Rebuilding Our Youth...One Kit At A Time...Copyright © 2008 Ovic GS""" Heh Heh.....

Yeah, Deborah and Rich are definitely on the right path helping Marissa get started on the right foot.

Rich, is that an F-4 BA, or another?




Nice kit Rich, man musta' got hot in the equatorial zones......that's the

okay if that kit is already sitting on your deck, we need to talk, my BUFF from Bu$$ieVille won't be here for another 2 months. We elect governments before I get delivery from Bu$$ieVille.

Nice score Rich, i may have to work on a 1/48 subroutine for F-4's. i've got one Hasegawa, and one Fujimi.....Embarrassed

  • Member since
    April 2005
Posted by Thunderbolt379 on Friday, June 24, 2011 10:00 PM

Rich and Marissa -- That'd be the same kit, I remember it building very nicely indeed. Couple of tips -- the prominent hydraulic pitch jacks top and bottom of the elevator hinges on the real thing are not there, they can be cut simply from plasticard and glued straight on. The one-piece canopy has the bracing struts molded in, and unless anybody makes a mask set for this kit, black strip decals are the best option.

Cheers, M/TB379

  • Member since
    February 2010
  • From: Ontario, Canada
Posted by Bockscar on Friday, June 24, 2011 10:08 PM

Well...I'm pushing 60, and I still can't put my stuff

That's why I build 'in-flight', i can always hang 'em......

By the way, one should always have more kits than time, so you get full marks for getting your daughter started out on the right footing.


  • Member since
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  • From: State of Mississippi. State motto: Virtute et armis (By valor and arms)
Posted by mississippivol on Friday, June 24, 2011 10:34 PM

I remember when the Monogram black bunny came out. There was a big complaint that the "star" markings on the outer wings and the fuselage should have been outlined in red, not silver. My dad built it straight up when it came out; he still has it on the shelf. It's a beautiful bird.





Well, might as Well

  • Member since
    August 2009
  • From: Toledo Area OH
Posted by Sparrowhyperion on Saturday, June 25, 2011 9:34 AM

It looks like a fun kit.  I'm torn on whether to build it, or just keep it in the stack.  Does anyone know if anyone still makes that detail kit for it since KMC is now defunct?


In the Hangar: 1/48 Hobby Boss F/A-18D RAAF Hornet,

On the Tarmac:  F4U-1D RNZAF Corsair 1/48 Scale.

  • Member since
    February 2010
  • From: Ontario, Canada
Posted by Bockscar on Saturday, June 25, 2011 4:01 PM


It looks like a fun kit.  I'm torn on whether to build it, or just keep it in the stack.  Does anyone know if anyone still makes that detail kit for it since KMC is now defunct?



My old saw, learned from my old LHS; 'one to build, one to keep, and one to trade,'  or as would reply, 'eat your cake and have another two.....'...runnin' outa storage space though.....Smile

  • Member since
    February 2010
  • From: Ontario, Canada
Posted by Bockscar on Saturday, June 25, 2011 4:29 PM

Here's an update on the scratch monster:

The Valient Vac-Pac Matching Donor:

The working side, formerly a paint jig for a BUFF:

The pattern and roughed in lumber:

That little pencil mark is apex of the most critical curve within the duct, so pattern, lumber, and duct all line up and the curve is snug, well, it may not look snug yet.....

But look, the curves are fairly close, I spent about 3 months looking for the "Donor Match":

Last look before final trimming:

So now I gently trim the edges of the lumber and start persuading it to pretend it's a duct.

I'm hoping to have the ducts roughed in and the lumber trimmed for the medial bulkeads as well by tomorrow Sunday. The pace of work is meteoric, I know.Wink

Shish, when I build my Tamiya, I'm not even going to sand off all of the extra glacis armour like Berny did, or was that Berny???

Keep your fingers crossed Gents, another exciting episode tomorrow, Same Geasel Time, Same Geasel Channel!


  • Member since
    February 2010
  • From: Ontario, Canada
Posted by Bockscar on Saturday, June 25, 2011 4:32 PM

I should have said, Keep your fingers crossed Ladies and Gents, another exciting episode tomorrow, Same Geasel Time, Same Geasel Channel!Smile

  • Member since
    August 2009
  • From: Toledo Area OH
Posted by Sparrowhyperion on Saturday, June 25, 2011 4:55 PM

Budgetary constraints only permit one at a time here.  When I was a kid, my parents were kind of cheapskates about my hobby.  Sometimes I had to save for weeks for one kit.  I must have mowed about a thousand yards ever summer, and shoveled just as many driveways in the winter.  I didn't get any allowance until I was 13; And then it was only $0.50 a week.  I wish I still had all of my old kits.







It looks like a fun kit.  I'm torn on whether to build it, or just keep it in the stack.  Does anyone know if anyone still makes that detail kit for it since KMC is now defunct?





My old saw, learned from my old LHS; 'one to build, one to keep, and one to trade,'  or as would reply, 'eat your cake and have another two.....'...runnin' outa storage space though.....Smile

In the Hangar: 1/48 Hobby Boss F/A-18D RAAF Hornet,

On the Tarmac:  F4U-1D RNZAF Corsair 1/48 Scale.

  • Member since
    February 2011
  • From: Mobile, AL
Posted by RotorHead10 on Saturday, June 25, 2011 5:41 PM


  • Member since
    February 2011
  • From: Mobile, AL
Posted by RotorHead10 on Saturday, June 25, 2011 5:43 PM

Finally got it done....1/72nd Accurate Minatures.  Gotta love the Marines, Gotta love VFMA-333.  Go Shamrocks!  More pics to follow soon.  No offense...have yet to see a USMC F-4 yet. What giv es!?

  • Member since
    February 2010
  • From: Ontario, Canada
Posted by Bockscar on Saturday, June 25, 2011 5:59 PM


Budgetary constraints only permit one at a time here.  When I was a kid, my parents were kind of cheapskates about my hobby.  Sometimes I had to save for weeks for one kit.  I must have mowed about a thousand yards ever summer, and shoveled just as many driveways in the winter.  I didn't get any allowance until I was 13; And then it was only $0.50 a week.  I wish I still had all of my old kits.









It looks like a fun kit.  I'm torn on whether to build it, or just keep it in the stack.  Does anyone know if anyone still makes that detail kit for it since KMC is now defunct?





My old saw, learned from my old LHS; 'one to build, one to keep, and one to trade,'  or as would reply, 'eat your cake and have another two.....'...runnin' outa storage space though.....Smile



Ditto that!Ditto

Of course as I've mentioned, may dad, God bless him, would throw my kits away if he found them out of place, i.e, anywhere except the top of our chest of drawers. He'ld even trash stuff that I was building, because " didn't put it away...." well, he thought "'ll appreciate this when you're older...." day he threw away an 8" telescopic mirror i was grinding.....uh......I left the building permanently.....he didn't like that, because he didn't like losing the started working lessons. 

  • Member since
    February 2010
  • From: Ontario, Canada
Posted by Bockscar on Saturday, June 25, 2011 6:00 PM




Fightin' Irish! Looks Fab!!!

  • Member since
    April 2005
Posted by Thunderbolt379 on Saturday, June 25, 2011 7:19 PM

RH10 - Looking good! Woo-hoo, sweet one! Shall I post this image to the Honour Wall, or wait for your new set?

Completion number nine I believe!

Cheers, M/TB379

  • Member since
    February 2010
  • From: Ontario, Canada
Posted by Bockscar on Saturday, June 25, 2011 8:06 PM








Fightin' Irish! Looks Fab!!!


I'll try that again:


Uhhh, are you a Pholger's Phan?

  • Member since
    February 2010
  • From: Ontario, Canada
Posted by Bockscar on Saturday, June 25, 2011 8:43 PM


Who's the midget?


Don't know who he is or why his arms are sticking out of his head!


  • Member since
    February 2010
  • From: Ontario, Canada
Posted by Bockscar on Saturday, June 25, 2011 10:17 PM

My Phantom...

He still scares the ladies......

  • Member since
    June 2009
Posted by jimbot58 on Sunday, June 26, 2011 10:30 AM



Who's the midget?


Don't know who he is or why his arms are sticking out of his head!


What the ....?


On my workbench now:

It's all about classic cars now!

Why can't I find the "Any" key on my keyboard?




  • Member since
    November 2010
  • From: Lafayette, Indiana
Posted by Son Of Medicine Man on Sunday, June 26, 2011 10:50 AM




Who's the midget?


Don't know who he is or why his arms are sticking out of his head!



What the ....?

I think it is a mutant "Mini Me"!  Big Smile


  • Member since
    February 2010
  • From: Ontario, Canada
Posted by Bockscar on Sunday, June 26, 2011 3:38 PM

The big guys are my Revel F-4F crew, the little guy is a 1/48 WWII figure, I think he's from a Fujimi kit, but he got lost on the carpet monster for months, and the kit has sailed.....

  • Member since
    November 2003
  • From: State of Mississippi. State motto: Virtute et armis (By valor and arms)
Posted by mississippivol on Sunday, June 26, 2011 5:38 PM

Great lookin' Phantom, RH! Didn't one of the Shamrock birds get a MiG kill?


  • Member since
    June 2009
Posted by jimbot58 on Monday, June 27, 2011 1:00 AM

Son Of Medicine Man







Who's the midget?


Don't know who he is or why his arms are sticking out of his head!




What the ....?



I think it is a mutant "Mini Me"!  Big Smile


Spooky! I just watched the original version of "The Fly"! Seems they were looking for a fly with a white head.....


On my workbench now:

It's all about classic cars now!

Why can't I find the "Any" key on my keyboard?




  • Member since
    June 2009
Posted by jimbot58 on Monday, June 27, 2011 3:01 AM

Well, if nothing else, at least I'm consistent! Tonight I managed to snap the point off the outer wing leading edge on the "F", just exactly the same as the Geasel! It's even the left side, same as the first one! Perhaps I should break off the fuel dump and a few other antenna and see if I can lose a few parts while I'm at it!

Ok!  Enough ranting for tonight! I'm going to bed!


On my workbench now:

It's all about classic cars now!

Why can't I find the "Any" key on my keyboard?




  • Member since
    August 2009
  • From: Toledo Area OH
Posted by Sparrowhyperion on Monday, June 27, 2011 11:00 AM

You know... I think you're right...




 Son Of Medicine Man:





Spooky! I just watched the original version of "The Fly"! Seems they were looking for a fly with a white head.....

In the Hangar: 1/48 Hobby Boss F/A-18D RAAF Hornet,

On the Tarmac:  F4U-1D RNZAF Corsair 1/48 Scale.


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