It's Friday, so I continued and added more plastic, finish 'plait' 1:
Then i added another layer, trying to make up that 1.57mm for each side, finish 'plait' 2:
Here's the other side:
That's why the old folks called it "plaited", first layer:
And second Layer:
Easy does it port:
Easy does it starboard:
Final 'plait':
and port chevron:
and starboard chevron:
Here' proof of concept, 3mm:
Here's the base line and gauge:
So I think I have approximated the width, and at the same distance from the tip of the nose.
So here's why I do it, the same as all of you, that's a very sleek bird, even in it's bones:
and, uh, yeah, messy desk, the staff went home to drink beer and watch TV, see that Philly container at the end of my desk, that's breakfast:
Last one, sorry if it seems repitititititititious,
Oh yeah, for those of you machinists who love swarf, as an ex-CNC programmer, yeah, I love swarf, especially on my Cherrios in the morning, with'a bit cuttin' sauce, mmmmm.....
So that's all folk's, gotta let that toluene dry, maybe by Sunday my neuron (last one left) will have recovered and I'll post some more. Gosh I can hardly wait to get up and sprinkle that swarf on my cereal!