Ok, Baron.. Did some checking and the 1979 "White-Box" release of the A-7 is indeed an Ex-Aurora kit, at least according "Modeling MadnessDOT com" 's review of it...
Good catch... Not being a "Jet guy", I need to check a little harder, lol.. Shoulda suspected it, since their never was a 60's release of it, nor did they ever do a real "box-art" type of release in the 80s..
EDIT: Upon further reviews, and a took jog around the net, it appears that Monogram retooled the molds for the Aurora A-7A Corsair II, but the A-7E, boxed as a Revell kit, isn't Aurora's kit, but rather an ex-Hasegawa mold.. Doesn't change anything though.. Both versions are ineligible..