Went to my club meeting on Saturday, and one of the guys was selling off kits to make room for new ones. I got the Tamiya SdZfz 7 with the updated crew (to go with my 88), the Italeri RSO towing Pak 40 and the Tamiya Stug 3 G all for AUD $60 (about $45 USD). The Stug alone is $60 AUD at my LHS.
You sould have seen it, arms and elbows going everywhere, almost as bad as a post christmas sale crush, except not a handbag to be seen.
Missed out on the Acadamy M12 and M51 by a cat's whisker, they were at the other end of the table. Can't complain though or I would just be too greedy.
I was going to do my Krupp Protze and 3.7mm for this build, but now am undecided what am I going to build. I'll need replacement tracks for the SdKfz 7 and RSO, so availability may still point me to the Krupp. Besides no one else seems to be doing that combo.