Hi gang!
really too nice of a day to work much on the Pak,
but i did put the sunshine to use! i got the camera back for the weekend,
so here are some progress pics.
i know the light/reflector still needs to be painted,
and the figures are more 'started than finished.
they just have base coat for uniforms and skin.
and yes, they are not wearing their helmets!
i did the camo stripes w/ a microbrush.
muzzle end w/ pastel chalk,
wash is a watercolor using burnt seinna. or is it umber?
well, it was brown, anyway
mud on wheels is a few shades of Tamiya brown and some coffee grounds.
also, the ammo is not ready for the loader.
and, yes, the one wheel is up in the air.
either one wheel is up, or one of the legs . . .
i am hoping to get it squared away on a base / mini dio.
i am thinking the ends of the legs get dug in, so i should be able to sort it out then.