The Deja Vu thread.
The state health care system killed my folks.
They wanted DNR because they couldn't be bothered to try to save them. Nuff said.
Yah, instead of going to the mall, lookin' for a friend, google "Liverpool Care path".
That'll sober you up gents. It is coming to a hospital near you. You will not die naturally guys, you will be put is here...and it what drives the funding for health care, don't get mad at me, I saw it happen to my folks......"don't worry, be happy."
It is going to happen to you.
Ken, sorry to hear about that, but this is the time of life when you see the leaves fall like rain. I have sadi good bye to 12 relatives in 4 years, many more at the door, and the 'workers' in the health facilities just want to stamp them DOA.
Sorry Ken, I can't cheer you right now, but they are dropping like flies, and I ran out of berievemant days at the office already.
Like going too a mall to chat with total strangers is going to help....smokin' crack?
Sure, tell me I am wrong, but just watch....another one is going to die in a few months. I'm not trying to bum you guys out, by this is really what is happening.
I am so sick of waiting in hospitals and standing for hours at funerals right now.
3 dead parents. 10 funerals, 2 years. No, don't need to talk to an unemployed dud in mall.
I'ld rather buy kits I will never build.