Hi guys -- progress over the last 48 hours. As mentioned, I masked the flaps and gear bays on the A-8, which was a less difficult task than I had expected (I'll brush paint the edges of the bays at the finish):
Then I primed in white where the yellow panel would be, and preshaded overall:
This morning I added the 04 -- the Acryl is so thin and transparent that the degree of strikethrough from the preshade you see here is coming through seven coats -- basically all the paint I made up I used on this area:
Then I headed out to the LHS while the paint hardened up, and masked it when I got back:
Speaking of the LHS, I decided it was time to graduate from 46mL bottles of thinner, this is the 250mL carton, for getting serious about modelling in bulk!
And finally, I did two mixings of 76 and laid them onto the underside and fuselage sides. I'll need to do another mixing for other parts, and possibly redress some joint work around the tail the paint has shown up as needy:
Target for tomorrow: get the darker green onto the Ta 152, whether with masks or freehand. The Bf 109 shares the same 74/75 scheme with the big bird here, so I should get some masking done on both to move toward getting the greys on.
I'm not sure when I'll have them done, but it can't be too far off, and of course the D-9 is waiting patiently for her turn in the paint bay as well.
Cheers, Mike