Thanks, Mustang. IIRC, I changed the #3 needle many years ago, probably about half the life of the unit ago, so maybe it's high time for a new one. If the centre seal needs renewing, I'll find a service outfit to do it, I'm sure Paasche could advise me on that.
The more I think about it, the more I reckon my dissatisfaction is with the toning of the paint. The Acryls are also very glossy, which is a bit disconcerting. I love the way they flow on, they're wonderful paint, but the Tamiyas are a bit more controllable and consistent. I have almost completed the set of all the flat (XF) range of paints, so I usually have in stock whatever I need. I recorded the mixing ratios I used for 74/75 on my blog, and looked them up today, so it should be no problem. I can re-preshade over the 75 I put on the other day, and get to grips with the scheme properly.
It's four years or so since I last sprayed enamels, and I use acrylics for the same reason, to be able to spray at will indoors, though I use an extractor fan and a respirator as well. How I used to spray solvent-based paints indoors I'll never know, but the family must have suffered! I have over a hundred tins of Humbrol and dozens of bottles of MM, all packaged up awaiting the day I have a proper spray booth, but until then, acrylics are the way to go, and Tamiya is my paint of choice, though MM has a lot to recommend it too. I did an F-16 last year all in Acryls, a Stuka too.
So, my plan for tomorrow is to get that AB needle, finish soft-masking the 152 fuselage and get the greens applied, and maybe redo the preshade on the A-8.
Cheers, M/TB379