Ken, I can certainly feel for you right now. I mentioned before how we were acquired by another company over a year ago and they promptly moved us out of our warehouse and shoehorned us into theirs across town. After they fired the tiny tyrant, plus our returns clerk up and quit, (mostly due to the tiny tyrant before she went) so I have had to take on the responsibility for doing all the clerical and administrative duties in the warehouse. Basically doing most of what a warehouse manager would do-without the pay that would come with it.
Now at the end of this month, they are converting us from our computer system and integrating us into theirs. This will take place at the end of the month and we are going to have to work part way through Memorial Day weekend. I have had to work extra to clean up all old reports, returns, etc. Last night I spent 2 extra hours deleting old warehouse locations for non-stock items and by the time I was done, my hands were actually going numb from sitting at the keyboard non-stop. I have no help with any of this as my co-workers barely know how to turn on a computer, let alone operate one. Plus I am the one that has to fix every error that is done by the rest of the crew and when I explain just how much extra work this causes me, I get an "Oh well" attitude.
Ken, it just seems like they want more and more from employees, with little in the way of compensation or reward. I find myself awake long before the alarm goes off, and yet I struggle to get myself into work on time as I just don't want to be there. Then I end up working late as there just isn't enough time to get everything done.
Sorry about my rant here. I was going to post some photos of my hobby work tonight but I suddenly realize it is after 2 now.