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Hooray for Hollywood 2014 GB extended til July 4th

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  • Member since
    October 2009
  • From: Oil City, PA
Posted by greentracker98 on Thursday, May 2, 2013 9:21 PM


It may be a few weeks before I can get started on my "production", but the script is still in re-write.  Big Smile

I need a few more parts...

Ditto I need a lot more parts - The whole kit that is Geeked

A.K.A. Ken                Making Modeling Great Again

  • Member since
    September 2003
  • From: Australia
Posted by Helo H-34 on Friday, May 3, 2013 4:59 AM

I did a little work on the hobby bench this afternoon to see how my injured wrist was progressing . I decided to pull apart an old Revell/Monogram 1/72 A-1E Skyraider . Everything went okay and I started thinking about what paint scheme and decals I might use for the rebuild . I suddenly remembered the movie ,'Bat 21' with Gene Hackman and Danny Glover . However I'm unsure if it was an two seat A-1E or single seat AD-6/A-1H that was used . Anyone have any info and links to reference pics  . Would be great if it was a A-1E version .

John .

  • Member since
    June 2012
  • From: Anniston, AL
Posted by GAF on Friday, May 3, 2013 8:26 PM

Just as a trailer to the upcoming "production", I present...

This is the kit I will be working on.  It's a version of the AMT "USS Enterprise" from the television show Star Trek.  It was produced in 1978 - 79 by the Lesney Products & Co., Ltd. (Matchbox) after they bought out AMT.  It is molded in light blue plastic.  It differs from the original molding in several respects, and although some parts are more accurate, it still suffers from problems.  The parts themselves have some flash and will have to be cleaned up before assembly begins.  The decals allowed you to mark the model as several different Constitution Class starships, but these are over 30 years old and will not be used.  Aftermarket Parts will be used to correct some of the more glaring errors, but I'm still up in the air about lighting this model.  That's what the big Polar Lights 1/350 scale model is for.  Big Smile  Parts have been scrubbed and are ready to begin assembly just as soon as the AM parts arrive. I just hope this doesn't turn into a five year mission.

Brought to you in living color...

Thanks for reading!


  • Member since
    November 2010
  • From: Florida-West Central
Posted by Eagle90 on Friday, May 3, 2013 9:38 PM


Just as a trailer to the upcoming "production", I present...

This is the kit I will be working on.  It's a version of the AMT "USS Enterprise" from the television show Star Trek.  It was produced in 1978 - 79 by the Lesney Products & Co., Ltd. (Matchbox) after they bought out AMT.  It is molded in light blue plastic.  It differs from the original molding in several respects, and although some parts are more accurate, it still suffers from problems.  The parts themselves have some flash and will have to be cleaned up before assembly begins.  The decals allowed you to mark the model as several different Constitution Class starships, but these are over 30 years old and will not be used.  Aftermarket Parts will be used to correct some of the more glaring errors, but I'm still up in the air about lighting this model.  That's what the big Polar Lights 1/350 scale model is for.  Big Smile  Parts have been scrubbed and are ready to begin assembly just as soon as the AM parts arrive. I just hope this doesn't turn into a five year mission.

Brought to you in living color...

Thanks for reading!


I've got my popcorn, goobers, and extra large soda!  On with the show! 

Great build Gary, I can't wait to see the next set of pics!

Uh, will there be an intermission?..........Extra large soda ya know! Embarrassed


  • Member since
    October 2009
  • From: Oil City, PA
Posted by greentracker98 on Saturday, May 4, 2013 10:01 AM

Hi everyone,

I apoligize for another days absence, but I have some really great news. You may or not know about my 1/1 vehicle. It's been a total pain you know where ever since I bought. It's been one thing after another ever since I got it in 9/10. My credit union told me yesterday that I am approved for some money. It's not alot, but  If (correction) when I find the right vehicle, my 2000 GMC Sonoma is history.

What I want is an 06 or 07 Honda Civic. Does anyone know any stories on them. Good stories, as well as the horror stories. I want to hear it all as I'd like this to to be my last vehicle.Yea, I want to run this forever.

Gary - Looking good


A.K.A. Ken                Making Modeling Great Again

  • Member since
    November 2010
  • From: Florida-West Central
Posted by Eagle90 on Saturday, May 4, 2013 12:36 PM

Hey Ken,  I have a 2000 Civic and the wife has a 2004 Civic.  We will not buy anything else!  We had a Chrysler van before....never again!  I got my Civic and it has been wonderful!  The only other vehicle we are considering is the Honda Odyssey.  Not the years you were looking at, but thought I'd put the plug in for Honda.



  • Member since
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  • From: Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England
Posted by Bish on Saturday, May 4, 2013 1:28 PM

Thought I would just post a couple of pics of my first build. This is the 72nd Probe Droid. I would be starting until I have finished my current two builds, but once I do, I don't expect it to take to long.


I am a Norfolk man and i glory in being so


On the bench: Airfix 1/72nd Harrier GR.3/Fujimi 1/72nd Ju 87D-3

  • Member since
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  • From: AandF in the Badger State
Posted by checkmateking02 on Saturday, May 4, 2013 5:49 PM

Now I remember those!  Looks like there'll be lots of opportunity of painting and weathering with all those mechanical bits on it.  





  • Member since
    October 2009
  • From: Oil City, PA
Posted by greentracker98 on Sunday, May 5, 2013 11:05 PM


Hey Ken,  I have a 2000 Civic and the wife has a 2004 Civic.  We will not buy anything else!  We had a Chrysler van before....never again!  I got my Civic and it has been wonderful!  The only other vehicle we are considering is the Honda Odyssey.  Not the years you were looking at, but thought I'd put the plug in for Honda.


Eagle - They sound great. How many miles are on your Civics? The ones I can afford are way high mileage. I'm afraid of that. So tomorrow, I'm going to go look at a 2008 Ford Fusion. It looks like a really nice car and the mileage isn't that high. So we'll see. 

How's everyone coming along on their "Hooray for Hollywood" builds? I made my badge from the Dirty Dozen still the other night. I think a badge like that will make it unique for everyone. Now, I just need to get my Halftrack.

Hopefully, buying the car won't leave me flat broke this month, but one does have to have their priorities in the right order. If that happens, I will just have to wait until June to get the halftrack.

A.K.A. Ken                Making Modeling Great Again

  • Member since
    November 2010
  • From: Florida-West Central
Posted by Eagle90 on Monday, May 6, 2013 6:42 AM



Hey Ken,  I have a 2000 Civic and the wife has a 2004 Civic.  We will not buy anything else!  We had a Chrysler van before....never again!  I got my Civic and it has been wonderful!  The only other vehicle we are considering is the Honda Odyssey.  Not the years you were looking at, but thought I'd put the plug in for Honda.


Eagle - They sound great. How many miles are on your Civics? The ones I can afford are way high mileage. I'm afraid of that. So tomorrow, I'm going to go look at a 2008 Ford Fusion. It looks like a really nice car and the mileage isn't that high. So we'll see. 

How's everyone coming along on their "Hooray for Hollywood" builds? I made my badge from the Dirty Dozen still the other night. I think a badge like that will make it unique for everyone. Now, I just need to get my Halftrack.

Hopefully, buying the car won't leave me flat broke this month, but one does have to have their priorities in the right order. If that happens, I will just have to wait until June to get the halftrack.

My 200 has 143000 on it and the wife's has just turned 120000 (hers had more miles on it when we got it).  Maint wise they have been great!  Normal stuff.  We just changed the timing belt on hers since it hit 120000, other than that, just normal wear and tear stuff.  My car......I think the engine is going to outlast the body!  Of course the Vermont winters (salty roads) don't help any.  I wouldn't hesitate one second to get another Honda and we have pretty much decided to stick with them.



  • Member since
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  • From: Hoodsport, WA
Posted by Dogfish_7 on Tuesday, May 7, 2013 6:01 AM

Wonder if anyones' going to do a GOONY Bird from the John Wayne movie " Island in the Sky"???


  • Member since
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  • From: Western North Carolina
Posted by Tojo72 on Tuesday, May 7, 2013 8:21 AM

I did this one for the last Hollywood Group Build

Maybe I will do a M48 Panzer from Patton using Dragons new M48 kit

  • Member since
    June 2012
  • From: Anniston, AL
Posted by GAF on Tuesday, May 7, 2013 5:17 PM


Wonder if anyones' going to do a GOONY Bird from the John Wayne movie " Island in the Sky"???

That sounds like a great build.  Or a DC-4 from "The High and the Mighty" would be good.  Big Smile


  • Member since
    October 2009
  • From: Oil City, PA
Posted by greentracker98 on Thursday, May 9, 2013 12:33 AM

Everythings starting to take shape here.

I think I'll be able to order the half track tomorrow.

So, on with the show  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A.K.A. Ken                Making Modeling Great Again

  • Member since
    October 2009
  • From: Oil City, PA
Posted by greentracker98 on Thursday, May 9, 2013 9:44 PM

Hey everyone, I ordered the Halftrack today, So I'm expecting it next week I'll have pics then.

Here's pic of the box art. I'll be getting the US Army guys for it at a later date. The fun is never ending Geeked Yeah Oh yea, I pick up the paint for it today from my LHS

A.K.A. Ken                Making Modeling Great Again

  • Member since
    September 2003
  • From: Australia
Posted by Helo H-34 on Thursday, May 9, 2013 9:56 PM

That's great news on the Halftrack , Ken .

Hopefully tis weekend I can get a little started on my C-123 Provider .


  • Member since
    October 2009
  • From: Oil City, PA
Posted by greentracker98 on Thursday, May 9, 2013 10:30 PM

Thanks Helo. It wouldn't be a good thing for the GB Host not to have a build going Geeked

A.K.A. Ken                Making Modeling Great Again

  • Member since
    June 2012
  • From: Anniston, AL
Posted by GAF on Friday, May 10, 2013 8:13 PM


Glad you got the half-track in.  Looks like it will be a great build.

On the parts scene, most of my AM stuff came in.  I now realize that I need some other things, so it's off to shop again!  I'll get a picture of everything when it's all collected.  Trying to finish up a couple of builds (P-47s) before I jump into this one.  Smile


  • Member since
    October 2009
  • From: Oil City, PA
Posted by greentracker98 on Saturday, May 11, 2013 12:29 PM


I did this one for the last Hollywood Group Build

Maybe I will do a M48 Panzer from Patton using Dragons new M48 kit

Welcome Aboard Tojo. You're all signed up. Sorry I didn't get you when to you when you first signed on.

Gary - Glad your things came in.

Mine isn't in yet, but it will soon. HobbyLinc's been paid. So all I have to do is wait on them.

A.K.A. Ken                Making Modeling Great Again

  • Member since
    October 2009
  • From: Oil City, PA
Posted by greentracker98 on Sunday, May 12, 2013 1:34 PM

Captain How's everyones builds going? I just logged in and seen no one has posted anything for 25 hours now. Where's all the WIP pics? Come on guys. Lets get a move on! Geeked LOL Sunday afternoon is great time to shoot a few rolls of film. Figuratively speaking that is.MovieMovieMovie

A.K.A. Ken                Making Modeling Great Again

  • Member since
    September 2003
  • From: Australia
Posted by Helo H-34 on Sunday, May 12, 2013 3:36 PM

Hi Boss ;

I've been sanding the insides of the C-123 Fuselage halves along with the insides of the wing halves . There's lots of little lugs on the inner side of most parts , so I broke out the 100 grade sandpaper and I'll follow up with some wet and dry sandpaper to smooth things out . It was Mothers Day here in Australia , so we had a nice BBQ lunch .

John .

  • Member since
    October 2009
  • From: Oil City, PA
Posted by greentracker98 on Sunday, May 12, 2013 4:01 PM

Helo H-34

Hi Boss ;

I've been sanding the insides of the C-123 Fuselage halves along with the insides of the wing halves . There's lots of little lugs on the inner side of most parts , so I broke out the 100 grade sandpaper and I'll follow up with some wet and dry sandpaper to smooth things out . It was Mothers Day here in Australia , so we had a nice BBQ lunch .

John .

OOOPS, It's Mothers day here too. Sorry. Both my parents have passed on. So, I wasn't thinking about itEmbarrassed  Hope your BBQ turned out well.

And Happy Mothers Day to all the Mom's out there Toast

A.K.A. Ken                Making Modeling Great Again

  • Member since
    November 2010
  • From: Florida-West Central
Posted by Eagle90 on Monday, May 13, 2013 7:49 PM

So, I'm trying to do a little extra with the Batwing since it is pretty cut and dry.  So, hopefully my phone will pick up some of the detail stuff I'm attempting.  If not, I used my Waldren punch and die set to punch out little bezels for the instruments in the cockpit.  I used different color sequence (sp) like green, yellow, red and orange.  Did some dry brushing to bring out what little detail was in the cockpit, and decided to color the "seat" cushions grey to add a little contrast in the all black molded "office".  The instructions actually said to paint everything black.  Huh?  O.K.....that's why I painted the "cushion" on the seat.  Not sure if it is making it look like a worn seat...or a lousy attempt to make it look like a worn seat!  The instructions say to paint the body of the Batwing dark grey.  At first, I was like what?!  But if I get it dark enough, it might just look good!  Still waiting on my adapters and hose from TCPGlobal so I can use the compressor that has been sitting here dormant for a week now! Angry.  I'll be ABing in no time!  So here ya gentle, remember, I'm the new OLD guy! Wink


  • Member since
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  • From: AandF in the Badger State
Posted by checkmateking02 on Monday, May 13, 2013 9:03 PM

I think you did an excellent job with those instruments.  It's looking. . .very Gotham.





  • Member since
    June 2012
  • From: Anniston, AL
Posted by GAF on Monday, May 13, 2013 9:15 PM

Good work on getting started, Eagle90. Big Smile  I'm still stuck in the planning stage!

I've actually been working on this:

And there's a second one in the works.  So my modeling time (of which there seems to be less and less) is kinda full.  I was hoping to be finished with these, but...  Sad

Meanwhile, I have decisions about the model I have to make.  I've already gotten these in:

But I've decided I don't like this bridge (no translucent dome) and I need to decide what I'm going to do about the Bussard Collectors (those spinning things on the front of the engines).  I did find some small low revolution motors from Hobby Engineering today, so I may do a spinning light show after all.  This means more parts ordering.  Tongue Tied

The madness never stops.


  • Member since
    November 2010
  • From: Florida-West Central
Posted by Eagle90 on Monday, May 13, 2013 9:17 PM


I think you did an excellent job with those instruments.  It's looking. . .very Gotham.

Thanks checkmate!  I wanted to get the "worn" look on the seat, but just don't know.  The instruments were not hard to do with the Weldren punch and die set.  I bought that thing back in '96-'97 from a hobby store that was closing just outside of Eglin AFB.  $40!  First time I have used it!  Had to take sandpaper to it and get all the rust off the taps! Embarrassed  Rubbed them down with WD-40 afterwards to help them stay "fresh".  

Thank you for the kind words!  I'll be working on Bruce now.  I'm thinking this will be a good figure to start's all black except for the face and the bat emblem on his chest.....I can't screw that up too much....can I? Huh?

Thanks again!



  • Member since
    November 2010
  • From: Florida-West Central
Posted by Eagle90 on Monday, May 13, 2013 9:22 PM


Good work on getting started, Eagle90. Big Smile  I'm still stuck in the planning stage!

I've actually been working on this:

And there's a second one in the works.  So my modeling time (of which there seems to be less and less) is kinda full.  I was hoping to be finished with these, but...  Sad

Meanwhile, I have decisions about the model I have to make.  I've already gotten these in:

But I've decided I don't like this bridge (no translucent dome) and I need to decide what I'm going to do about the Bussard Collectors (those spinning things on the front of the engines).  I did find some small low revolution motors from Hobby Engineering today, so I may do a spinning light show after all.  This means more parts ordering.  Tongue Tied

The madness never stops.


Gary, you got a great build going with that saucer alone..but I have to say WOW! on the P-47!  She is absolutely beautiful!  That really caught my eye!  Great job!  Thanks for the kind words, and keep those pics coming!  Great stuff! Yes


  • Member since
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  • From: AandF in the Badger State
Posted by checkmateking02 on Monday, May 13, 2013 9:22 PM

Eagle, I think for a "worn" look, it works to dry brush a lighter color of the base--but then, I'm not so hot at weathering, so maybe someone else knows better.





  • Member since
    November 2010
  • From: Florida-West Central
Posted by Eagle90 on Monday, May 13, 2013 9:26 PM


Eagle, I think for a "worn" look, it works to dry brush a lighter color of the base--but then, I'm not so hot at weathering, so maybe someone else knows better.

O.K. Bruce might have to wait, Smile  I'm wanting to extract every bit of detailing I can, and that is a great idea!  I think I will try that tomorrow when I get home.  If I can get just a little more detail! Stick out tongue


  • Member since
    April 2006
  • From: Denver, Colorado
Posted by waynec on Monday, May 13, 2013 9:56 PM

i'm still stuck in the 3 other GBs and a weathering presentation to create though i have knocked out 2 GBs this month to date

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