Well, I've reached a point where I can call my Spitfire Vb Trop (marked out for Canadian George 'Buzz' Buerling in Malta) about finished. The only thing left to do is buy a new (not dried up) bottle of super glue, attach some e z line for an antenna and glue the plane to the base (still debating building a set of wheel chocks). Not exactly how I wanted it to turn out, a had a layer of gloss go all orange peel on me which really threw a wrench into things.
I had to walk away from it for a while, but on coming back into it, I was a little less angry with the result. Not the very best I could have done, sadly, but I don't think it's my worst either.
I'm hoping this will live on the desk of one of my work associates (he is from Malta, and apparently a bit of a fan of Buerling's) and pass for reasonably good looking.
I went with the decal kit's recommendation of Malta Blue Grey for the time period, and a few references I've seen show the plane in either the blue grey or middle stone / earth / azure. I figure I've already done a Tiffy in the three tone, I would do the Spit in the single colour topside. The bottom is of course Sky Blue. The Malta Blue Grey in this case is a mix that came pretty close to colour chips that I've seen (at least to my eye). The entire aircraft was painted using Vallejo's model air acrylics, pin washes were done at first with Flory's Dark Dirt, but as I mentioned with the gloss going south, I finished by using a combination of oil wash and dot filtering (as I felt I could control these a little better).
All in all, a lot of fun, the first group build I've entered and posted finished work in, though mine does not come close to some of what's posted up here. Excellent work, gents. Chris, thank you for the opportunity, much appreciated. Cheers
I think in the end, I was most impressed by how much of the airframe is power plant, really puts into perspective just how much of a meat and potatoes approach this airplane was.