Hi Gang!
I have been working on the gear bay done and into place-as you see, the gear must be installed as the bay is assembled. Some sanding and fitting was required to get the pieces to all go together. First photos is the halves with a little wash to bring out detail.
That picture is a bit fuzzy as the camera wanted to focus about an inch in front of my subject.
After I cemented it up, it gets inserted between the two sides of the fuselage before they are joined. I just continued to cement up the two halves:
I have been trying the cement that came with my Touch-n-flow, and it seems to be thinner and more potent than the Testors I have always used. I just always figured they were all the same.
It works pretty fast and it was easy to achive that bead of plastic that oozes out when you want a seam that's good for easy clean-up:
Now for the not-so-good part. After doing this, I found the cockpit tub was not easy to fit into place. The bottom of the tub interferes with the landing gear box, and I had to work for quite a while, sanding, trimming and filing to get it into place. Left it out for the moment as there is some painting yet to do there.
Don't get me wrong- I'm not calling this a bad kit. The exterior detail looks great and the fuselage went together with hardly any effort. I just think that between the vague instructions and the difficulty fitting the interior parts, this kit would be best for an "experienced" modeler. The cockpit could have used better detail as well.
I'm barely into this build and already I'm a critic!
I'll have to see what kind of weather I get this weekend, so maybe I can get some decent photos of the Growler for the forum.