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Mach and Gam...lovin' the ST goodness going on...home stretch on both projects, eh? Cool Gundam SLW!!
On the Bench: Nothing on the go ATM
Hi all
Well I found what I wanted now to find time to get busy on it
Got some minor plans for it
Love the classic Klingon ships
Thats a real nice D-7 Gamera!
Sadly I can't use that phaser. It's the old AMT exploration set
phaser. It's 1/3 scale.
I think I have a plan for all the detail parts. I won't get anything done
for a few days, work is rearing its head.
Mach71:That looks great! Is there anyway you can make a mold off the parts from that phasor and cast the detail parts you need for the ones you're working on now?
BTW: There are still a few rough places on the D-7 but you have to look really close to see them and I'm tired of fumbling around with this thing. I went ahead and pre-shaded her with two shades of grey and then did some streaking of light grey from bow to stern. I think she looks ok, I'm putting the gloss on now and hopefully will get her decaled over the weekend.
"I dream in fire but work in clay." -Arthur Machen
I made a little progress today. I sanded all the seams, put another layer of bondo on, resanded
and brushed on some Tamiya surface prep. It's getting there.
While waiting for the bondo to cure I worked on a different phaser.
Mach71...keep up the good work on that phaser!!
Looks great !!
Gives it a great sense of scale
Awesome...lookin' forward to that!
I think it will be about 6 or 7 inches in length. It's supposed to be in scale with the Moebius Galactica. I'm on vaca. starting this Sat. for two weeks, so I don't plan to start until August. I will try to get the box art images in before I go.
Most barriers to your successes are man made. And most often you are the man who made them. -Frank Tyger
I found some time today and made a bit of progress.
I glued the 1/2's together.
And things didn't line up as well as I thought.
So break out the bondo.
The 1st application:
NucMedTech...that Valkyrie will be awesome. How long, in earth inches, is a BS in 1:4105 scale?
Hi Everyone,
A lot of nice work going on here. That raider is great, with it being that big no wonder why the colonials had such a good kill ratio.
Wayne, I was wondering if I could get in on the fun. I have the colonial BS Valkyrie from BamBam productions, no box so no art. Its in 1/4105 scale. Also I might throw in a 1/72 scale Hailfire droid from Star Wars episode II. These are both resin kits so I think they should go together pretty quick. Details will be in the painting.
I'm getting close. I have to clean up the sheet styrene backing, then it's on to putty time.
I still have to figure out what I'm doing with the nozzle and the other bits.
Wow Rob, that does drive home the size difference!
Mach71: Yeap, that's a lot of sanding. Looks like the one on the bottom there is almost ready to cemented together, puttied, sanded, and painted.
No they are vac formed over resin masters.
Nice job on the Viper. I ordered one from Squadron, It should be here soon.
And, Goliath looming over David....Thanks for lookin':
The chase:
Just for fun, here's both 1/32 adversaries just to show just how big this ship is compared to the Viper:
P mitch The Raider looks great Rob. When I build mine I'm thinking about hanging it from a wall almost like a picture as it will just take up wall space that way and be less likely to get completely covered in dust! Phil
The Raider looks great Rob. When I build mine I'm thinking about hanging it from a wall almost like a picture as it will just take up wall space that way and be less likely to get completely covered in dust!
or a big shadow box on the wall to keep the dust off.
Никто не Забыт (No one is Forgotten)Ничто не Забыто (Nothing is Forgotten)
Solid resin? looks like they will have `life-like` weight to them.
One phaser for now, I always make extra parts because I tend to make mistakes.
I've cleaned up the shells, cut backing/bracing, and glued them to the shells.
I'm off to work so I won't make much more progress foe a few days.
mach71 Beautiful Cylon Rob! I made a little progress today.
Beautiful Cylon Rob!
I made a little progress today.
Thanks!! How many Phasers are you going to do?
You know Phil, THAT is exactly what I`m going to do with mine!! Thanks for that. Duh...I have planes flat on my wall like that and I can`t believe I haven`t thought of this....Thanks!!
"If anybody ever tells you anything about an aeroplane which is so bloody complicated you can't understand it, take it from me: it's all balls." R J Mitchell
Sanding, sanding, sanding....
Now the fun begins!
BeckyheadHello, I'd like to throw my hat in the ring with a 1:48 scale X-Wing, out of the box, with maybe some scratch-built cockpit detail. Box art to follow.
i'll get you in the queue on tuesday too.
sweet build. will post on tuesday. i will study this when i do my single color T-2 stuff.
Might be big but it looks awesome!
On my bench: Academy 1/35 UH-60L Black Hawk
Geez, this Raider is taking up almost my whole coffee table right now!!
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