More progress with the "Bucket".
I have been busy wiring up resistors and LEDs. I've forgone the investment in a commercial kit primarily because I think it should be simple enough to do myself. Also, because of all the money I've dropped on the aftermarket decals and PE sets, the kit is already far and away the most expensive I've ever put together.
At this point I am planning to install the following LEDs:
2 white in the nose for the mid-deck lights
2 white in each of the landing bays
3 red per side for where the fighter bays retract
1 blue in each of the four outboard engines
2 blue in the central hull engines
I've started to make modifications to the hull to accommodate running the wiring into the outboard engines. I've temporarily mounted half of each of the engine pods so that I could drill the holes for the wires to pass through.
I've also finished assembling the nose, which in hind-sight I should have kept in subassemblies until finished painting and applying the armour decals. I'll certainly go that route with the rest of the kit. Based on a suggestion I saw on another thread, I added a few needles to represent some of the missing antennae on the "chin" of the nose.