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Weekend Madness 2014-Stick a fork in it, we're done! See you next year!

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  • Member since
    June 2008
Posted by lewbud on Saturday, December 20, 2014 4:37 PM

Scott-that U-boat is looking great!

Ajd-when I build the Hobby Boss EZ-builds, I usually cut off the snap together stuff.  It makes it fit much better.

Bufflehead, was planning to close her down for the holidays Sunday, but will extend it one more weekend.  Look forward to your build.

Buddy- Those who say there are no stupid questions have never worked in customer service.

  • Member since
    March 2008
Posted by Caveman on Saturday, December 20, 2014 4:41 PM

Sorry guys, progress has been slow.  Nephews Birthday party was today.  Ready to get down to business.  This is the first kit that I have seen with a rather strange feature.  The entire seat is molded into the cockpit tub, which is slowing progress considerably.  Need to do a lot of paint work before I can close up the fuselage which is causing me some grief.  But things should start moving along rather quickly now.  

More to follow soon!

  • Member since
    October 2013
Posted by ajd3530 on Saturday, December 20, 2014 5:06 PM

Lewbud, how are those HobbyBoss E-Z builds? I've been interested in them, especially the bubble top Jug and the P-38.

  • Member since
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  • From: San Francisco Bay Area
Posted by bufflehead on Saturday, December 20, 2014 5:24 PM


Scott-that U-boat is looking great!

Ajd-when I build the Hobby Boss EZ-builds, I usually cut off the snap together stuff.  It makes it fit much better.

Bufflehead, was planning to close her down for the holidays Sunday, but will extend it one more weekend.  Look forward to your build.

DOH!!!  What was I thinking???  For some reason I thought NEXT weekend was the 19-21!!  Dunce  Kriminy, X-mas is Thursday!! 

Sorry Lew, I simply had a brain fart!  I'm hand painting some Christmas cards right now to send out thinking I had over a week to go....$H!%@  better get those done today and sent out ASAP!!Bang Head

Not a big deal if the build ends tomorrow, but if you're cool with extending it til next weekend, I'll definitely build the Hobby Boss 1/72 P-47D Razorback!

What a dummy I am.......


Last Armor Build - 1/35 Dragon M-26A1, 1/35 Emhar Mk.IV Female


Last Aircraft Builds - Hobby Boss 1/72 F4F Wildcat & FW-190A8


  • Member since
    December 2003
  • From: 37deg 40.13' N 95deg 29.10'W
Posted by scottrc on Saturday, December 20, 2014 6:04 PM


Many of us know how you feel.  Hell, I still feel like Thanksgiving was last week.  

Well, furnace is fixed, cat is fed, beer stocked in the fridge, and I started painting.  Except for the lower hull falling off the paint turntable after a fresh coat of German Dark Gray was applied, rolling off the base of the paint boot and onto the floor, what worse can go wrong now?  The paint is about dry enough to sand all the cat hair out of it.  Just got the upper hull primed and forgot to sand some seams.  No biggie, primer is cheap.

Thanks for the compliments guys, I love looking at everyone's outstanding work as well.  

  • Member since
    June 2008
Posted by lewbud on Saturday, December 20, 2014 7:08 PM


Lewbud, how are those HobbyBoss E-Z builds? I've been interested in them, especially the bubble top Jug and the P-38.

It really depends on which kit you get.  For example, I've got the F4F-3 (which is really a -4 with Yellow Wing era decals) which is basically a big hunk of plastic.  The fuselage is one piece with a basic tub molded in (complete with seat and basic control stick), with the wings and landing gear bays as a separate single piece which mounts on the bottom of the fuselage.  Good points, no fuselage or wing half seams to fill.  Bad news, a really ugly seam running through the lower half of the fuselage (horizontal halves, not vertical like normal).  I thought I had some build pics in the 2010 Pearl Harbor build, but I didn't.  If you'll mosey over to the Braille Scale GB, you'll see my build of the P-38 which I've sort of backdated to a J.

Buddy- Those who say there are no stupid questions have never worked in customer service.

  • Member since
    June 2008
Posted by lewbud on Saturday, December 20, 2014 7:09 PM

I forgot to add, I'll keep it open one more week.  There are a couple of stragglers left.

Buddy- Those who say there are no stupid questions have never worked in customer service.

  • Member since
    October 2013
Posted by ajd3530 on Saturday, December 20, 2014 11:19 PM
Making good progress. I am actually impressed with the fit of this kit. Once I sanded down the locking stubs (and there are alot of them) down to where they were not tight to fit in and used them more of a guide than anything else, she almost fell together. No need to worry about the angle of the horizontal stablizers at all, they fit pefectly. I just needed to use a small amount of Elmars white glue, which has become my new best friend when it comes to filling gaps and seems.

  • Member since
    March 2008
Posted by Caveman on Saturday, December 20, 2014 11:49 PM

OK. 24 hours in.  Finally got the pit painted and installed.  Then I was able to start getting stuff together.  Closed up the speed brakes which needed no work at all, then the fuselage which hardly fit at all.  Wings and stabs on now.  Need to mask the canopy and ready for primer.

More to follow.

  • Member since
    July 2006
  • From: San Francisco Bay Area
Posted by bufflehead on Saturday, December 20, 2014 11:49 PM

Looking good ajd!  Nice work on the cockpit!  


Last Armor Build - 1/35 Dragon M-26A1, 1/35 Emhar Mk.IV Female


Last Aircraft Builds - Hobby Boss 1/72 F4F Wildcat & FW-190A8


  • Member since
    December 2003
  • From: 37deg 40.13' N 95deg 29.10'W
Posted by scottrc on Sunday, December 21, 2014 7:25 AM

Nice work on the cockpits in the Mustang and A4.  

Well, here is the morning update. Had a good time last night and watched Das Boot while building to keep me in the mood.   Painting went well although I got a little heavy with the overspray in some places. I am on the home stretch.  Got all the main parts installed and can now start on the little details and final finishing such as some weathering and final dull coat.  I think I will be done before my 7pm deadline.

  • Member since
    June 2008
Posted by lewbud on Sunday, December 21, 2014 10:05 AM

Ajd-That's a good looking Mustang.  Keep it up.

Caveman-I like your Scooter!  What markings will she wear?

Scottrc-I really like what you're doing with that old kit.  I like it when someone takes an old kit that most people wouldn't give a dollar for at a contest, then turn that kit around and make a good build out of it.

Roughly twenty something hours into this build, I have something that resembles a teeny, tiny airplane.  The tires are painted, as is the interior of the cowl.  After breakfast, the landing gear will be assembled, and some real painting will begin.  Hopefully by the time that's done, the hobby shop and Michaels will be open so I can get some primer and beading wire for the rigging.  Keep up the good work gents!

Buddy- Those who say there are no stupid questions have never worked in customer service.

  • Member since
    March 2008
Posted by Caveman on Sunday, December 21, 2014 3:42 PM

Well, here I sit.  8 hours to go.  Jet is out of paint and will require one quick touch-up around the canopy then on with the decals.

Lewbud I'm afraid the color scheme is rather drab.  Not overly interesting.  The tail code is YU from a Marine support squadron I believe.  Those were the only markings in the kit.  I would have preferred a more colorful bird, but this seems to match my reference photos.  I must also add that my camera seems to make my paint colors seem more stark than they actually are. They are quite drab to my eye.

Should easily get this one done in time.

  • Member since
    December 2003
  • From: 37deg 40.13' N 95deg 29.10'W
Posted by scottrc on Sunday, December 21, 2014 3:58 PM

Its now 3:50pm and I am now declaring my build finished.  It was not a bad build and would like to try this kit again with PE railings and fittings that would be more to scale.  It was fun and I can now say I actually completed a build within a reasonable time.  Thanks for hosting this GB and I look forward to trying this again next year.

  • Member since
    March 2008
Posted by Caveman on Sunday, December 21, 2014 4:07 PM

Nice looking U Boat.  I don't  think that I would try a ship in 48 hours.

  • Member since
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  • From: Nampa, Idaho
Posted by jelliott523 on Sunday, December 21, 2014 4:24 PM

Caveman - your A-4 is looking good, nice job.  Looking forward to the finished product!

scottrc - Nice U Boat!  I am with Caveman, not sure if I could pull off a ship build that quickly.  I've never attempted one so I couldnt say how long it might take me and have it look nice.

On the Bench:  Lots of unfinished projects!  Smile

  • Member since
    October 2013
Posted by ajd3530 on Sunday, December 21, 2014 8:58 PM
Paint on. Roughly 17 hours left? Had some troubles, but will explain later.

  • Member since
    March 2008
Posted by Caveman on Sunday, December 21, 2014 9:18 PM

Well, 2 hours to go and disaster has struck.  The old Monogram decals are useless.  Some shattered and others just simply fell off.   I don't have any spare USMC decals in low vis, so I may turn this into a fictional navy bird to make the deadline.  All she needs is the wheels and markings.

  • Member since
    March 2008
Posted by Caveman on Sunday, December 21, 2014 11:08 PM

Well it's midnightish and I had time to get some USN markings on it before the time ran out.  Calling her done.  Will post better pictures tomorrow.  As you can tell my lighting is very bad.

Until tomorrow......

  • Member since
    June 2008
Posted by lewbud on Sunday, December 21, 2014 11:19 PM

Scottrc-Great job on the U-boat!  Which pic would you like on the front page?

Caveman-Bummer about the decals.  A what if could be cool.  Keep at it!

Ajd-Your C model is looking good!  What markings will she wear?

To be honest, I kind of ran out of steam on this build.  However, seeing Scott finish his boat, and ajd's and Caveman's efforts spurred me back into action.  She has a full complement of flying wires, a little on the thick side, but good practice for when I get the Lost Starfighter upgrades.  I don't have the correct blue for the tail markings, but there are some blue stripes in the decal set.  About twelve hours to go.

Buddy- Those who say there are no stupid questions have never worked in customer service.

  • Member since
    July 2006
  • From: San Francisco Bay Area
Posted by bufflehead on Sunday, December 21, 2014 11:33 PM

Scott - Way to go with U-Boat U built (hehe!  2nd try with that lame joke!)  She looks mighty fine and I'm amazed you completed it in less than 48 hrs! 

Caveman - I don't know diddly squat about proper markings for an A-4....all I know is that she looks great!  Congrats on finishing her on time!

ajd - the Mustang is looking good!  What type of OD did you paint her?  Looks like the perfect color for my upcoming Razorback!

Lew - git her done bud!  All the completed AC builds are inspiring me for the Razorback!  Gotta warn you all though...its my first aircraft build in 35 years!  Tongue Tied


Last Armor Build - 1/35 Dragon M-26A1, 1/35 Emhar Mk.IV Female


Last Aircraft Builds - Hobby Boss 1/72 F4F Wildcat & FW-190A8


  • Member since
    October 2013
Posted by ajd3530 on Monday, December 22, 2014 4:06 AM
Decals on. Letting that micro sol simmer until I get up.

  • Member since
    October 2013
Posted by ajd3530 on Monday, December 22, 2014 4:22 AM
Bufflehead, its the plain-jane Testors rattle cane OD you can get at Wal-Mart. Personally, I think it is a little too much on the olivey/yellowish side, but it is cheap, fast, easy to find, and works well enough.

Now used to, it seems the formula was different. If you can find it in this old packaging, swipe it up:

Its is a little more brownish, and it turns out like this:

  • Member since
    June 2008
Posted by lewbud on Monday, December 22, 2014 8:27 AM

Done at 6:42.  Pics after work.

Buddy- Those who say there are no stupid questions have never worked in customer service.

  • Member since
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  • From: Nampa, Idaho
Posted by jelliott523 on Monday, December 22, 2014 8:42 AM

lewbud...Thank you for hosting such a fun GB!!!  I thoroughly enjoyed seeing what I, as well as everyone else can accomplish in such a short amount of time.  Everyone contributed a fantastic looking piece!  I cant wait to do this group build again.  Yes  Toast

On the Bench:  Lots of unfinished projects!  Smile

  • Member since
    October 2013
Posted by ajd3530 on Monday, December 22, 2014 4:22 PM
Finished her up alittle while ago, sadly, about 75 minutes after the 48 hour deadline. I will take some better pictures tomorrow outside in the daylight. I HATE it getting dark at 5. This time of year is for the birds.

  • Member since
    January 2014
  • From: Nampa, Idaho
Posted by jelliott523 on Monday, December 22, 2014 4:50 PM

Nice P-51, looks sharp!

On the Bench:  Lots of unfinished projects!  Smile

  • Member since
    June 2008
Posted by lewbud on Monday, December 22, 2014 7:41 PM

Ajd-nice job.  It'll still go on the front page.

Now for my little adventure.  Proof of non-startage.

Time to go to work.

Got home from work about 0100 Sunday morning.  Attached horizontal stablizers, broke out the putty and filled some seams.  Went to bed.  Woke up, piddled round the apartment, sanded stuff, went to the local hobby shop for supplies, came home, fell asleep (Cowboys won anyway, yay!).  Wasn't really feeling this build until I saw what Scott and ajd were doing got inspired and went back to the table.  Somewhere around 11:15pm.

The flying wires are done in .020 brass rod.  It's a little on the thick side for this scale, but it's all could find.  Plus, it was good practice for when I get the Lost Starfighter stuff.

Time for bed Sunday night.

All that was left to do was let the canopy dry, and apply decals.  I used Aztec's Old Warriors set.  A group of P-26s were transferred from the Canal Zone to Guatemala in 1943.  Because only training aircraft could be transferred at that time, they were classified as PT-26s which allowed them to skirt the law.  Aztec's decals are on the thick side, but they are pretty tough.  They seem to lack stick, so I may go back and clear coat them at a later date.  I didn't have the correct blue for the bars on the rudder, so I thought I could use some blue striping included with the decals.  This was a bust because they wouldn't conform to the control horns at the bottom of the rudder.  Aztec does mainly Mexican, Central and South American subjects and for some things they are the only game in town.  She's done.

Somewhere along the way, I lost the antenna.  Here she is in all her glory.

If you're wondering where the pit is, there is none.  This kit dates from the late sixties and all there is is a seat and a pilot with a very fatal wound in the back.  Hope y'all enjoy.

Buddy- Those who say there are no stupid questions have never worked in customer service.

  • Member since
    July 2014
Posted by modelcrazy on Monday, December 22, 2014 10:28 PM

Wow, it went together much faster than the 1/48 I,m working on. Looks good lewbud.


Building a kit from your stash is like cutting a head off a Hydra, two more take it's place.

  • Member since
    December 2003
  • From: 37deg 40.13' N 95deg 29.10'W
Posted by scottrc on Tuesday, December 23, 2014 10:09 AM

WOW, I could not try a 1/48 scale jet in 48 hrs, great looking A4.  And the same with the P-51 and Peashooter.

Lew, I guess a side shot for the front page.

Thanks for the compliments, this had been a great boost in getting me out of my building mental block I have been in.



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