Awesome work for everyone who completed their project on time. It's a really good effort to get it over te line.
I didn't make it, but I did enjoy the intense build over the weekend.
I got up early this morning to spray my Spitfire, and got it done, but took the short cut of omitting a primer as I just didn't have time. I found that one wing root join needed some more work, but had to leave it until after work.
I attempted to remediate it after work, and patch up the spray job, but eventually found that I had created an inconsistent finish over the pre shading, so with a puny 12 minutes to go, I decided to finish it off properly, and reload for next weekend.
In the meantime, I'll fix the finish on this SPitfire, complete the other Spitfire that I started, and assess my stash for a suitable victim for next weekend :)
In this photo, you can see the lighter shade on the starboard wing.