This weekend didn't go anywhere near like I envisioned. Friday my new dog had some problems with his surgery area from being neutered and I had to take him into the Vet, $170 out there, then the "new" truck I bought, a 1984 Dodge Ram 3/4 ton in great condition for $900 (a steal BTW), died on me after filling it up. The Battery turned turtle and completely died so I replaced it, another $130. I'm thinking the alternator is the problem and need to put a meter on it, maybe another what $40? then my granddaughter called me all distraught because the police puller her over due to a suspended license she wasn't aware of. I she said she paid a citation but now there is some confusion about that . Oh, the young.
By some miracle I was able to get some time on the Spruance. I usually complete the superstructure on ships before attaching them to the hull but in this case, it seemed wiser to complete the whole thing, or at least most of it minus the masts.
I started the base with the blue Styrofoam. So far not supper pleased with it but like any material it'll require its own technique. It is more difficult to cut than the hard Styrofoam I usually use and the grill lighter method of making swells didn't work as well as it does on my favorite material. That just means I'll have to come up with a different way of doing things for it.
After assembling the hull, I removed the sonar bulge. I don't think she'll be searching for subs on my shelf so no loss there. Besides, I can use it on some kitbash project in the future.
Next, I cut out the material I needed then drew out the hull form. I then cut out the form (very difficult, or should I say not as easy as the hard but about the same as the standard Styrofoam). I then drew out the wake I wanted and used a combination od a grill lighter and sand paper to get the initial wake and swells I wanted, again not as pleased as with the hard stuff but it worked. The later addition of additional Styrofoam, paper and acrylic gel will smooth things out and allow me to add where I want, which I'll do after I complete most of the kit.
That's all for now.