Whoa! Was it really Feb that I last posted an update on my M-26A1 Pershing?? Sorry all for being absent from the GB (and all the forums here) for so long. I'm sure you've all experienced all sorts of modeling setbacks and delays due to the craziness of 2020. Same here. Suffice it to say that modeling took a back seat starting in March and I wasn't able to get back into it until August. I had to finish up a couple of other builds before getting back on track with this GB.
From what little I've seen so far (the last couple of pages really) there are some nice kits being built! I'll try to take a more detailed look and post some comments as soon as I can!
OK, here's where I left off eight months ago! Suspension pretty much complete:
A few weeks ago I started working on the tracks. The kit tracks are indie links and BOY did they take a good long while to remove and clean up....all 166 links PLUS the same number of guide teeth! However after gluing up a set (83 per side) and installing on the tank I really wasn't happy with it. Turns out that if you glue them too tight, like I did, the 83 links end up being a half link too short, but 84 links are too long....GRRRRR I went with 84, but you can see in the pic below the big gap at the front roadwheel/idler.
What to do, what to do?? I decided that I really didn't like the look of the tracks at both ends. You can see that the fit at the sprocket is also a little funky. So I decided to splurge on an aftermarket set of workable tracks:
While I was waiting for this to arrive I worked on the turret and prepped other smaller parts and assemblies and did some online research to determine paint and marking schemes.
Now if I thought that the cleanup of the kit tracks was a tedious, painstaking chore... that was nothing compared to this Bronco set! Each link consists of seven parts!! Yes...SEVEN. And in order to keep them workable glue must be applied to a very small area making sure glue doesn't get on any of the working parts! After two weeks of cleanup and assembly I managed to create ONE set. But what a difference!
The instructions stated 85 links, but I actually used 83 links and the fit was perfect! The kit even comes with a set of sprockets to fit different M-26 models (Tamiya, Hobby Boss, Dragon). Here's a pic showing the kit tracks one one side and the Bronco tracks on the other (biased towards the Bronco tracks!). Still have to install the remaining guide teeth to this run and then assemble another track run. Not really looking forward to that!
To be fair the kit tracks aren't all that bad and being forewarned about the fit problem would allow a track run to fit much better. Here she is with the turret on and fenders and hatches dryfitted in place.
I've decided to use the kit markings as they match the Pershing in this photo; Hamhung Korea, 1950: