hey you guys just to update!!!
Ok, here is the story......
I have been working on this M60 Battle Tank(Blazer) and the tracks that I recieved were all seperate links, well I glued them all together, massive amounts of glue massive amounts of praying and massive amounts of luck, anyway I just painted them, these HUGE gaps that I saw when i was first gluing them together, are all "settled" AMAZING, the track looks PERFECT, I let them dry for 2 weeks, and then painted them with a flat black, You CAN NOT TELL that they are anything BUT the way they are supposed to be, they are straight they are settled, they look PERFECT! Now I am going to weather them!!!!
I was so scared at first!!! I was like OH my god they look like SH*T!!, but now they look Perfect!!! is this possible??? Or am I just imagining it ????