We interrupt this banter to bring back to modeling!
Just an update on my progress so far (no pix yet; hopefully I'll be able to upload this weekend):
Tam F4U-1A -
Cockpit painted, washed, drybrushed. Instrument panel decal slapped on, thne the pit was assembled.
Engine painted gunmetal, then washed w/ black watercolor. Drybrushed aluminum. Whole thing then assembled and fit into cowl. (Impressed with the fit; felt like I didn't even need to use glue).
Landing gear bays painted and washed. Wing root assembled. Outer wing panels assembled.
Dryfitting the cockpit and fuselage revealed a misalignment with the cockpit. Musta screwed it up when I glued it, 'cause everything else on the kit has been smooth sailing.
That's it for now. Hope to get more done this weekend.
"Ahh, the Luftwaffe. The Washington Generals of the History Channel."-Homer Simpson