TomThat Martlett truely is impressive mate!!!
Have to build one one day me tinks.
DarrenWhat did those masks set you back??
Am I right in thinking the RAAF demarcation lines were pretty clean??
I'm used to doing German splinter, which had fuzzy edges, so doing a clean edge would be great, and 10 minutes masking would be SENSATIONAL!!!!
Now I realise there are 3 months left in this build, but I am certain that If I order my Defiant, the postage would stuff up, and I'd run out of time to build it.
BUT, when the Nth African build starts, I've already got the 2 kts I plan to build, the PE for one of them, and the decals for both.
This will be a no brainer.
Are there any key dates of combat that we are going for in the Nth Af GB??