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AIRCRAFT - On The Warpath: The Curtiss P-40

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  • Member since
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Posted by darson on Wednesday, May 11, 2005 2:14 AM
Mark and Steve thanks for the responses I appreciate it. AMtech are going to release a P-40k-5 around the end of this month so I will definitely pick one up when they become available. If I manage to polish off a couple of other GB's sometime soon I might have to sneak back and join you guys.

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  • From: Placerville, CA USA
Posted by Mark Joyce on Tuesday, May 10, 2005 11:15 PM
Wow, you guys are making some nice progress and all the birds are looking great!Thumbs Up [tup]

Steve, The Hawk's Nest is really coming along. Thanks for the time and effort on that website.

Little progress on my Group Build P-40, just test-fitting some pieces. The pace will hopefully pick up once I finish my other P-40 soon.

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  • From: A Spartan in the Wolverine State
Posted by rjkplasticmod on Tuesday, May 10, 2005 9:52 PM
Looking good Steve. Thanks for the pics on the Hawk Nest.

Regards, Rick
RICK At My Age, I've Seen It All, Done It All, But I Don't Remember It All...
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Posted by Thehannaman2 on Tuesday, May 10, 2005 9:19 PM
Looking good Steve. Can't wait to see more.

The Hawk's nest is coming along beautifully. You are really putting alot of time and effort into this GB. Thanks!


"The distance between genius and insanity is measured only by success."

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Posted by BlackWolf3945 on Tuesday, May 10, 2005 8:50 PM
Alrighty, for those who may be skeptical that I've actually got something together...

This is the AMT P-40N I've got going. Nothing special going on with this one... yet. I may add a few things here and there but this is just a slammer to get me back into the swing of things.

I'm beginning to like the AMT kits the more I work on this thing. It's a nice old-fashioned kinda kit that needs a bit of work...

The cowl pieces were finicky and I put in some bracing behind each panel so that they'd sit right. I also put in some backers so that I could leave the exhausts off until final assembly.

For those not familiar with these kits, you have to do a bit of surgery if you're building a P-40N. The area behind the cockpit must be cut out and the clear piece for the greenhouse is then inserted. Inevitably there will be gaps with this kind of thing and this was no exception. Nothing major but somewhat unavoidable unless you sit down, give it a small bit of thought and take your time. Needless to say, I didn't do any of that!

I'm building this thing canopy closed and the sliding hood fits not too badly. Unfortunately it sits a bit low (or the other pieces sit a bit high?) and I've added some extensions to raise it up.

I find all of the above to be just another part of modeling and alotta fun. However, there is one thing about this kit which I don't think is all that much fun...

In order to maximise their mold usage, AMT used multi-piece tooling so that they could swap components and mold either a long or short fuselage depending on what variant they were going to kit. The problem with this is that the separate components don't always mate evenly.

The result, in this case, is that one of the fuselage halves has a big 'ole step just forward of the vertical stab... which is not a fun fix. Simple, yes. But not quick-n-easy and it will require mondo sanding and then rescribing. No big deal really... just a pain in the ass. Oh well, I'm a modeler... I can deal with it!!

Still haven't decided exactly what subject I'm building, but I think it's gonna be a 25th FS, 51st FG Hawk. I may just do a generic bird. We'll see what it looks like when I get some paint on it...

Now, on to the important part of this post!

I've added a page for this GB onto the The Hawk's Nest. You can see it HERE...

The Duty Roster is there along with a gallery of progress photos...


If you have visited the site before, you may have to hit refresh in your web browser because the site doesn't auto-refresh. At least it doesn't for me. You may have to do this for each page unless you've ditched your temp internet files since visiting last.

More to come...

Fade to Black...
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  • From: A Spartan in the Wolverine State
Posted by rjkplasticmod on Tuesday, May 10, 2005 2:15 PM
Sounds great Vintage. Any chance of some pics ?

Regards, Rick
RICK At My Age, I've Seen It All, Done It All, But I Don't Remember It All...
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Posted by Vintage Aircraft on Tuesday, May 10, 2005 1:35 PM
Well I was able to fix my markings delema and have gotten most of the paint on the bird still have some weathering to do but the extra patched and non-matching OD paint really looks goos on a P-40 espesially with a mix of pre-war and war time makrings on the plane.

This plane was really just a nice, semi out of the box build. But when I start work on my next Monogram P-40B It is gonna get every update set available with a good deall of scrach built goodies.Cool [8D]

I should have it finished by the end of the week, so I can show it to Shepard Paine at the MMSI monthly meeting.

Have seen everyones elses birds so far and I have to say they look great.

The skies the limit,

  • Member since
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  • From: A Spartan in the Wolverine State
Posted by rjkplasticmod on Monday, May 9, 2005 12:28 PM
Sounds like some good progress Steve. Looking forward to some pics.

Regards, Rick
RICK At My Age, I've Seen It All, Done It All, But I Don't Remember It All...
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, May 9, 2005 9:10 AM
Ok I have beat myself in the head and decided to do the option for Capt. Woods P-40E.
  • Member since
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, May 9, 2005 6:41 AM
Looking great all.
  • Member since
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  • From: Pominville, NY
Posted by BlackWolf3945 on Monday, May 9, 2005 12:32 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by thehannaman

Lookee lookee....... PYN-UP decals are makin' a couple P-40 sheets, and they're more reasonably priced that their earlier releases. I'm in!

Fade to Black...
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  • From: Pominville, NY
Posted by BlackWolf3945 on Monday, May 9, 2005 12:13 AM
Wowser, some of you fellas are just honkin' along here... lookin' good!

Joe, you certainly are hammering away at this kit aren't you?

Heath, hope you were able to make the best of things on Sunday...

Justen, man you're coming along. They almost don't look like they're little scale. Can't wait to see some paint on those!

Pingtang, you are good to go guy! Hope you can score a cheap kit...

Darson, the end date will be... when it's finished! Wink [;)] It's going to go at least 'til the end of the year and maybe longer. Who knows... I am planning another P-40-related GB for next year... possibly with a twist or two. So if you can't get in on this one there will be another opportunity...

I still haven't taken any pik-chers of the AMT P-40N I'm working on, but should do so either tonight or tomorrow. The Mauve kit is ready for some paint on the interior and the Hasegagme kit is still waiting in the wings...

I have to say that I was never all that impressed with the AMT/AMtech kits in the box. But now that I've pretty much built one I have to say that they're not as bad as I first thought. The P-40N, anyway. I still have a ways to go on this piece, there are still a few things about the kit that I dislike intensely and I did have to do a bit of extra work to get some parts to fit correctly... but all in all it's not the clunker I had originally thought. It looks pretty good built up, and the surface detail is excellent.

Anyhoo, I've attached the greenhouse and am now filling and sanding the related gaps and doing some final sanding to get her ready for some serious paint.

It's getting to the point where I have to start thinking about masking clear parts and that's the ONE thing I really dislike about aircraft modeling...

Fade to Black...
  • Member since
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  • From: Placerville, CA USA
Posted by Mark Joyce on Sunday, May 8, 2005 11:26 PM
QUOTE: Also, what do you guys think of the offering by AMtech of the older AMT kits, are these any good or should I steer clear?



Personally, I like the AMtech offerings. Grant it, they are based on the AMT molds, but those molds are generally accurate in shape and outline, and have recessed panel lines. Not to mention, AMtech's decals are second to none in quality. I have built several, both AMtech's E and F models (the latter with the resin nose), so can speak from experience. I have seen Hasegawa's P-40E, though haven't bought let alone built one. Hasegawa's kit is probably the most accurate and detailed E model out there, though (personally) I don't care much for its engineering. Not to mention, it costs more than AMtech's P-40E. Not a lot, but enough to make a difference for some people.

My 2 cents [2c]: Don't "steer clear" of AMtech's kit. I have several in my stash and have no intention of replacing them with Hasegawa's kit, or any other for that matter. I have seen many an AMtech P-40E build up nicer than I ever could hope to build a Hasegawa. Most of the end result is based on the builder's abilities, and mine have a ways to go!

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  • From: A Spartan in the Wolverine State
Posted by rjkplasticmod on Sunday, May 8, 2005 8:46 PM
Joe, Hannaman, Looks like you're making great progress. Keep us posted.

Regards, Rick
RICK At My Age, I've Seen It All, Done It All, But I Don't Remember It All...
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  • From: Melbourne, Australia
Posted by darson on Sunday, May 8, 2005 7:40 PM
Hi all, I've been eying this build off for a while now but I'm heavily in to a few other GB's and don't want to commit myself to something I'm not going to finish, so when's the end date for this build as I'd love to do an RAAF Kittyhawk?

Also, what do you guys think of the offering by AMtech of the older AMT kits, are these any good or should I steer clear?

  • Member since
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  • From: Buffalo NY
Posted by Thehannaman2 on Sunday, May 8, 2005 6:25 PM
More progress was made on my pair of hawks. I got the fuselages together and the wings on. I am a little disappointed with the fit of the wings to the fuselages. Lots of putty used along with having to resort to a rat-tail file to literally grind the leading edge roots to shape. Now comes the fun part, resribing complex curves in 72nd. Black Eye [B)] Also, as you can see, much poopy was needed where the fuselage/gastank plug goes in on the "N."


"The distance between genius and insanity is measured only by success."

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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, May 8, 2005 1:35 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by BlackWolf3945 Take 2

QUOTE: Originally posted by kik36

I was a little shocked to find my fingers were on FIRE!!!

I don't mean to laugh Kik, but...


Seriously though, sorry to hear you're having trouble with this...
No, really, I am man... I swear...


Fade to Black...

Sign - Dots [#dots] What can I say dude......I'm talented!!! Propeller [8-]

I probably won't get much done today. I gotta go cheer up my Mom's husband. He hasn't been able to deal with her passing well at all, and basically has locked himself in his room with booze and TV.
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Posted by fightnjoe on Sunday, May 8, 2005 1:19 PM
well folks it looks like i am progressing quickly. it is an illusion. i have barely begun on this bird. there is a long long way to go. i did however install the engine and got it ready to add some details to the engine compartment. bad news is i installed it a quarter inch too far to the rear. good news is the only time it is really noticible is when the nose piece i cut off is installed. so to avoid that i am going to display this with the nose off. but you dont want the play by play. you want pics.

i also framed out the wheel wells while i waited for the paint to dry.

still much to do in this area. got wires to attach and exhausts to paint. so much still to do.



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  • From: A Spartan in the Wolverine State
Posted by rjkplasticmod on Sunday, May 8, 2005 10:46 AM
Plenty of time Daniel, I've got the kit I need, but not the time to really get going on it. Warm weather finally arrived & Golf & the Garden has been eating up my spare time.

Regards, Rick
RICK At My Age, I've Seen It All, Done It All, But I Don't Remember It All...
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  • From: Buffalo NY
Posted by Thehannaman2 on Sunday, May 8, 2005 10:43 AM
Lookee lookee....... PYN-UP decals are makin' a couple P-40 sheets, and they're more reasonably priced that their earlier releases. I'm in!


"The distance between genius and insanity is measured only by success."

Member IPMS Niagara Frontier. "The BuffCon Boys."

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Posted by pingtang on Sunday, May 8, 2005 7:25 AM
Hi everyone;

I haven't got a kit for this build yet. I'm definitely planning on joining in on the fun of this GB when I can afford a kit. I might get a few days work this week, so I might get a bit of cash. It'll be off to the LHS for a P-40 and a Corsair for the Blacksheep GB. Failing that, I might find a cheap kit at the swap meet I'm going to at the end of the month.

So......I might be a bit late, but i'll be in as soon as I can.

BTW, there's some great looking progress going on in here. I'm looking forward to seeing some of these builds done.Thumbs Up [tup]

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  • From: Pominville, NY
Posted by BlackWolf3945 on Sunday, May 8, 2005 4:39 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by kik36

I was a little shocked to find my fingers were on FIRE!!!

I don't mean to laugh Kik, but...


Seriously though, sorry to hear you're having trouble with this...
No, really, I am man... I swear...


Fade to Black...
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, May 8, 2005 4:14 AM
Mark I checked the fit on the main pieces and it seems the fit is still kinda sheisty. I really botched the seperator piece really bad tonight. I tried to extend it with styrene and ended up gluing my finger to it, and then I sprayed the assembly with some zip kicker with my finger still glued to the piece unknowingly of course. I was a little shocked to find my fingers were on FIRE!!! LOL I accidentally ended up breaking off the piece with the 3 I said screw it, and scooted the whole assembly forward. I filled in some gaps on the assembly with styrene and Tamiya putty. I will let it all dry overnight till tomm, but for sure I will be doing the eyeball thing Steve-O was referring to. I may attach some PE stuff to the resin sides before I go to bed, but not really sure....I may have had one too many beers to be attaching PE for the evening.
  • Member since
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  • From: Pominville, NY
Posted by BlackWolf3945 on Sunday, May 8, 2005 1:03 AM
Mark, I tried to email you earlier tonight but it bounced back... could you please shoot me a message at ?


Fade to Black...
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  • From: Placerville, CA USA
Posted by Mark Joyce on Saturday, May 7, 2005 11:43 PM
Looks like some good progress is being made by many! Unfortunately, the extent of my build so far consists of washing the parts. I'm trying to finish up another P-40 that I started before this group build began, and once that one is finished in a couple of weeks then I'll have more time to devote to the group build.

I'll be facing that radiator/splitter issue with my build, since I'm doing the Eduard/Muave P-40N. I built this kit several years ago, and the main problem I had was with the wing root/fuselage gap. Knowing what to look for this time, I hope to avoid any gaps.

Ignorance is bliss
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  • From: Pominville, NY
Posted by BlackWolf3945 on Saturday, May 7, 2005 7:39 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by kik36

Last night Steve-O Jinxed me.....

Sure, blame me... story of my life... Wink [;)]

To bring the seperator/splitter piece forward you could glue some scrap plastic on the back end where it meets the resin radiator piece. Build this up until it reaches far enough forward to meet the inside of the cowl scoop. If you build it up too much you can just sand it down...

By the way, my decal sheet doesn't seem to be for the same exact kit you have. It has the Russkie and Brazilian markings but nuthin' for 112 Sqn.

Anyhoo, I remember seeing a photo of a Russkie P-40 with a sharkmouth but am having difficulty finding it. Will keep looking...

Fade to Black...
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Posted by fightnjoe on Saturday, May 7, 2005 6:30 PM
heath those are my rendition of the actual mounts. the real ones are a lot more complex than i can do in 1/48. mine will be very much simplified.



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  • Member since
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, May 7, 2005 6:23 PM
Looking sweet Joe!! Are those braces just for the engine that you are putting in, or did they have braces like that in the original plane?

Last night Steve-O Jinxed me.....

This resin piece is too short, but the really big problem is the seperator piece is REALLY too short....almost .2" of an inch. From what I can tell from pics of the 1/1 bird the seperator looks to be butted up against the cowl. I'm just kind of scratching my head at this point trying to figure out how I can extend it while keeping it looking decent. Perhaps I can just bring the whole assemly forward and no one would

Hey Steve on this kit there are little tabs in the fuselage, and cut-outs in the resin for this piece to rest in. Other than being too short, it would keep the thing lined up pretty well. Unfortunately it may be of no help to me, and I will be doing the eyeballing that you jinxed me with anyway. Tongue [:P]
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  • From: A Spartan in the Wolverine State
Posted by rjkplasticmod on Saturday, May 7, 2005 1:50 PM
Looking good joe. Keep us posted.

Regards, Rick
RICK At My Age, I've Seen It All, Done It All, But I Don't Remember It All...
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Posted by fightnjoe on Saturday, May 7, 2005 1:37 PM
a little bit of an update. the braces for the engine and a little of the wiring is now installed.

the wire is from an old vcr as well as 24 and 28 guage.



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Never To Be Forgotten

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